Theme: Pleasing to our Heavenly Father
Passage: Luke 12:32
The Progression of God’s pleasure in Luke:
· Luke 2:14: God’s pleasure with us stems from His salvific work to glorify Himself and establish peace for humanity
· Luke 3:22: God the Father declares His pleasure in His beloved Son.
· 10:21: God takes pleasure in making salvation something to be simply received by knowing and receiving Jesus as Savior.
Key Truth: God is pleased with us because He is pleased with His Son.
Further, God is pleased when we ...
1. Recognize his authority over our lives and properly fear Him (4–7)
2. Publicly acknowledge Jesus and submit to His Holy Spirit (8–10)
3. Are rich toward Him (21)
4. Prioritize His kingdom over the material stuff of this world (31)
5. Are ready for Jesus’ return (37–38)
Key Truth Restated: God is fully pleased with those of us who have trusted in His Son.
Application Questions:
· How can we err in our understanding of God’s pleasure, especially towards us? Why do we do this?
· How is the Father pleased with Jesus? How do we benefit from this? Is there anything that we need to do to receive these benefits? Why or why not?
· Why is it important to understand that God is fully pleased with us because we are in Jesus Christ? How have you struggled with believing this truth?
· If God is fully pleased with us already, what role does obedience play in our relationship with God? How does the analogy of parent (Father) and children clarify this?