
July 7, 2019

1 Corinthians 1:18–25

July 7, 2019 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • 1 Corinthians 1:18–25

Theme: Issues: Biblical Clarity in the midst of Cultural Confusion
Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:18–25

We must approach life according to God’s wisdom—the Gospel of the cross of Jesus Christ.

God has used the foolishness of the cross to confound the wisdom of this world and save those who believe its message (1:18–25).

• The Testimony of the Church: Salvation of the weak and lowly (1:26–31)
• The Preaching of the Church: Speaking with weakness and fear but dependence on the Spirit (2:1–5)
• The Wisdom of God: The Gospel presented and lived through the power of the Spirit (2:6–16)

Application Questions:
1. As you approach life and how to make decisions that you face, which tendency do most naturally gravitate towards (v. 22), looking for signs to guide your way or resting on wisdom, either your own or that of others?
2. How do we make decisions and view life from the perspective of the crucified Christ (v.23–25)? What does this look like in everyday life and decision-making? How does this message give us power and wisdom?
3. How does your own testimony of salvation evidence the wisdom of God (1:26–31)?
4. According to 2:1–5, what should characterize preaching?
5. From 2:6–16, how do we know that the Spirit is guiding our decision-making process? Is there anything that we can do to ensure that we have the Spirit working in our lives and in the church?

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