
September 1, 2019

Psalm 139

September 1, 2019 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Psalm 139

Theme: Issues—Abortion
Passage: Psalm 139

Biblical basis for recognizing and protecting the life of an unborn person:
1. Exodus 20:13: God commands his people not to take the life of another person.
2. Exodus 21:22–25: God’s Law to Israel provided special protection for pregnant women and unborn personsa.
3. Psalm 139:13–16: God is at work in a person’s life from conception to accomplish his plans for them.

What do we do now?
• For those involved in an abortion:
o Recognize that you cannot hide from God; he knows (Ps. 139:1–6), and he sees (Ps. 139:7–12).
o Repent of your sin and fall on his mercy (Ps. 139:17–18; 23–24).
• For those who seek to glorify God in their actions over this issue:
o Oppose the abortion ideology that stands opposed to God (Ps. 139:19–22).
o Demonstrate God’s love to those who have chosen abortion.
o Act in ways that communicate well the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Application Questions:
• Discuss the rationale in our contemporary culture for distinguishing between being human and personhood. What do passages such as Exodus 21:22–25 and Psalm 139:13–18 contribute to this discussion?
• Knowing some of the statistics of how common abortions are performed and the number of abortions that are being committed, how vocal and involved should we as Christians become over this issue within society and culture?
• How can we, as Christians that stand against abortion, act wrongly toward those who oppose us on this important issue?
• What can we do to communicate well the gospel of Jesus Christ in addressing this issue in the church and in society?

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