
November 25, 2018

2 Corinthians 4:16–18

November 25, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:16–18
Theme: What being gripped looks like in the life of the believer

Attitude of the Believer: We do not despair (16a).

Reason: Even as outwardly we may suffer, inwardly we are being renewed (16b).

Result: Momentary lightness of suffering is preparing a super-exceeding weightiness of glory for us. (17)

Response: Focus your eyes on the eternally spiritual rather than the temporarily physical (18).

Application Questions:
• Going back over 4:1–15, what could cause people to despair? According to these same verses, why do we not need to despair?
• What evidence do we see that outwardly we are wasting away? How are we inwardly renewed day by day? What does this imply for how we should conduct our everyday life?
• Why do you think it is easy for us to proclaim the truth of v. 17 in theory, but struggle with seeing it in our own lives?
• Describe things that are seen and temporary vs. things that are unseen and eternal. How do we get our focus off of what is temporary and on to what is eternal?

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