
November 18, 2018

The Response to God's Grace

November 18, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:13–15
Theme: Gripped: The Response to God’s Grace

Progression of those gripped by God’s glory and Christ’s Gospel:

1. True knowledge of the gospel
2. Accepting belief in it.
3. Bold proclamation of it.

Motivation for those gripped by God’s glory and Christ’s gospel:

1. We will be raised with Christ on judgment day.
2. We give our lives now to be used by God for His glory.

Main Idea: When we know and believe what God has done for us through Jesus Christ, we need to proclaim that He can do whatever he wants us to do through us for his glory.

Application Questions:
• In this passage, what is the order of progression for one to come to a place where they are gripped by God’s work on their behalf? Do you think that one reaches the end of this progression or that they continually cycle through it?
• From this text and earlier in chapter 4, what is it that one must believe? Why do you think so many believers in these truths aren’t truly gripped by them?
• What motivates you to continue to believe and follow Jesus Christ? Are they the same motivations that Paul gives in vv. 14–15?
• Do you think our failure to proclaim God’s grace stems from us not being truly gripped by what God has done for us? What can be done to remedy this?

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