
August 1, 2021

Theme: The way forward by faith (part 1)

August 1, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 11:1–7

Theme: The way forward by faith (part 1)
Passage: Hebrews 11:1–7

1. Faith Described:
a. Assurance that the things we hope for will happen (1a)
b. Conviction that the unseen things are real (1b)

2. Faith in Action:
a. Creation (3): Faith understands that the universe (the seen) came into being by God’s word (the unseen).
b. Abel’s Sacrifice (4): Faith offers obediently to God that which He commends.
c. Enoch’s Walk (5–6): Faith lives to please to God.
d. Noah’s Ark (7): Faith responds reverently to God’s word and renounces the things of this world.

Main Idea: Persevering faith follows God no matter how the world may respond.

Application Questions:

1. What does Hebrews 11:1 contribute to a biblical understanding of faith? What elements from the NT might you add to fill out the definition of faith?
2. Describe the objective and subjective aspects of faith? How do these relate to one another? Which takes priority?
3. Why is the belief that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him a necessary component of faith (v. 6)? Is this a component of your faith? Explain.
4. Which of the truths concerning faith, gleaned from the OT examples in vv. 3, 4, 5, and 7, do you see in your own life? Which do you sense are weak in your faith? How can these be strengthened going forward?

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