
July 24, 2022

Aftermath of Babylon's Fall

July 24, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 18

Theme: Aftermath of Babylon’s Fall
Passage: Revelation 18

The aftermath of Babylon’s Fall enables us to see the ...

1. Reasons for her fall (3, 23–24)
a. Nations fell under the spell of her seductions.
b. Leadership got in bed with her.
c. Profiters grew rich on the power of her luxury.
d. She spilled the blood of Christians and commoners.

2. Reactions to her fall
a. Her Beneficiaries: Weeping and Mourning (9–19)
i. Political Leaders: Terrified at their sudden demise (9–10)
ii. Business Owners: Terrified at their loss of wealth (11–17a)
iii. Prosperous Workers: Lamenting their hopelessness (17b–19)

b. Christ-Followers ...
i. Run: “Come out of her” (4–5)
ii. Request God’s will to be done (6–8)
iii. Rejoice at Christ’s victorious coming (20)

Main Idea: The Fall of Babylon reveals where our loyalty lies.

How will you react to the collapse of this material world?

Application Questions:
• How are we susceptible to the fall of Babylon that we see depicted in this chapter?
• How do we balance the command to “come out of her” (4) with the reality that we still have to live in the world (job; relationships; entertainment)? What practical steps can we take to avoid being contaminated by this world’s system?
• In what ways do we see the complete focus on self-interest displayed by the world’s beneficiaries (9–19) play out in our present world? How can we spiritually protect our own minds from these delusions?
• What should our requesting for God’s justice to be done in this world (6–8) and our rejoicing at his justice accomplished (20) look like today?

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