
December 2, 2018

Luke 1

December 2, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: Luke 1
Theme: Gripped by Glory: Elizabeth
1. Before God’s glory revealed: Elizabeth’s reality (1:5–7):
a. Faithful Follower
b. Yet Barren Wife

2. God’s Glory Revealed
a. The visitation by Gabriel announcing God’s glory to come (1:8–23)
b. Fulfillment: God’s glory in Elizabeth’s life through a miraculous child (1:24–25)

3. Gripped by God’s Glory
a. Elizabeth’s Response 1: Prophetic Blessing (1:39–45)
b. Elizabeth’s Response 2: Submissive Obedience (1:57–66)

Main Idea: As we faithfully remain loyal to him, God can use even the most frustrating of circumstances in our lives to reveal his glory.

Application Questions:
• Have you ever experienced times in your life in which you were seeking to please God but were frustrated by the seeming absence of him in the circumstances of your life? Write them down or share these with one another. Looking back, how did he reveal himself powerful and present through this trial?
• What does the scene with Mary in 1:39–45 reveal about Elizabeth being gripped by God’s glory? How can we live this out today?
• How does Elizabeth display submission throughout this story, but especially in 1:57–66? What does this teach us about submission in our own lives?