
July 10, 2022

The Bowl Judgments

July 10, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 16

Passage: Revelation 16
Theme: The Bowl Judgments

Revelation 16 details God’s wrath being poured out upon the earth and the responses it elicits.

1. 7 Bowl Judgments: God’s wrath poured out

Bowl 1: Horrific sores (2)
Bowl 2: Sea turned to blood (3)
Bowl 3: Fresh water turned to blood (4)

Rationale: God will justly retribute people for their treatment of His witnesses (5–7).

Bowl 4: Sun scorches people (8–9)
Bowl 5: Darkness engulfs the beast’s kingdom (10–11)
Bowl 6: Euphrates dried in preparation for Harmagedon (12–16)
Bowl 7: God completes His judgment with Christ’s return (17–21)

2. Response of the people experiencing judgment:
a. Blaspheme God
b. Refuse to repent
c. Follow the deception to go to war against God

Main Idea: Eventually, those who reject and oppose the Lamb will deservedly experience the destruction of God’s wrath.

How are the Lamb’s followers to respond to this vision?
• Acknowledge God’s justice: worship and witness
• Stay prepared for Christ’s return: dressed and engaged in this spiritual war

Application Questions:
 What about this vision makes you uneasy? What rationale does the text provide for such displays of God’s wrath?
 Do you believe that this display of God’s wrath is justified? Why or why not?
 Why do people refuse to repent and choose rather to blaspheme God and oppose Him and His followers? How is this seen today?
 How do we stay alert and dressed for Christ’s return? What should this mean in our treatment of others, both believers and unbelievers?

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