
Mark 1:21-34

A Day in the Life of Jesus

June 24, 2018 • Pastor Ray Bollas

Jesus is about a year, maybe year-half, into His public ministry. In our last study He called His first disciples (Andrew, Peter, James, and John), and today we study “a day in the Life of Jesus”, as these verses all take place in a 24-hour period. It begins with Jesus entering the synagogue in Capernaum, and preaching, and then literally…… hell breaks loose, for the Word of God is living and powerful, and no one can stay neutral when they hear it, it shakes the very core of hell, and I pray it shakes our very souls today. That we don’t come to church today because it is what we do, but we come today seeking the Living God, to shake our lives, to move us beyond motions, but give us life and that more abundant, to know Him more, to become more like Him, to impact every area of our lives, and then take us out of here to impact the lives of our area. That people will know, we have been with Jesus.

Calvary Chapel Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas

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