
Daily Bible Verse

Verse for Today

May 5, 2024 • 1 Peter 5:7

‭1 Peter 5:7 CSB‬ [7] casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you. https://bible.com/bible/1713/1pe.5.7.csb How to Combat Pride  “I’m fine.” “I’ve got this.” “It’s my problem—not yours.”   We all want to be known, but sometimes it feels easier to hide behind masks of self-sufficiency. We might tell ourselves that we don’t want to burden others with our problems, but what we’re really saying is that we believe we can (and should) handle everything alone. This may feel self-protective, but it’s a form of pride that isolates and weakens us.    Pride is simply having a view of ourselves and our abilities that doesn’t align with reality. It’s one of the most effective methods the devil uses to isolate us because it makes us believe we’re better off alone.   So how do we combat it? The apostle Peter advises us to “clothe” ourselves in humility (1 Peter 5:5). We do this by caring for others, watching over others, and accepting the authority and wisdom that others offer us (1 Peter 5:1-4). This requires mutual vulnerability, trust, and authenticity.   Treating others with humility teaches us how to respond to Jesus.   Jesus knows what we need, and God wants us to cast our anxieties onto Him—but giving Him our concerns, hurts, hardships, and heartbreaks is an act of vulnerable surrender. We cannot do this unless we first acknowledge our need for Him.   When Peter says to “cast our cares” on God, he’s telling his readers to come openly and honestly to God so that at the proper time, He can deliver them. God opposes anyone who thinks they don’t need Him, but He shows endless grace and love to those who seek Him (1 Peter 5:5).   So take a few moments right now, and reflect on your current concerns. What do you need to bring to God? Visualize handing Him all of your worries, and envision receiving His peace in return.

Verse for Today

May 2, 2024 • Colossians 4:2

‭Colossians 4:2 CSB‬ [2] Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving. https://bible.com/bible/1713/col.4.2.csb A Life of Prayer  Take a moment to think about the habit of prayer in your life. Is prayer a regular part of your life, or is it something you don’t really pay attention to?  As Paul is closing out his letter to the church in Colossae, one of the things he reminds them of is the importance of prayer. For Paul, prayer is more than just asking God for what he needs. Prayer is the way Paul’s energy and ministry is sustained. Prayer is a source of God’s power for Paul.  He asks the Colossians not only to engage in prayer, but to be devoted to it. Paul understood that if the mission of God was to be effective through them, they needed to be devoted to talking to God about every aspect of life.  This means they not only needed to spend time in prayer for a few minutes in the morning, but they needed to make prayer a part of their entire day.  Paul tells the church to be devoted to prayer, being watchful and thankful. These are two aspects of prayer that we can engage in as well.  The first is being watchful or discerning of what’s happening in your life. We can ask the Holy Spirit to help us discern what God is doing in and around us, to make us aware of His work. Second, we can use our time in prayer to worship God through thanksgiving and gratitude.  Prayer is a vital aspect of the Christian life. Spend some time not only praying to God, but thinking through how you can make prayer a central part of your spiritual life.

Verse for Today

May 1, 2024 • Amos 5:24

‭Amos 5:24 CSB‬ [24] But let justice flow like water, and righteousness, like an unfailing stream. https://bible.com/bible/1713/amo.5.24.csb Reordering Our Priorities  The northern tribes of Israel in Amos' time seemed like they were doing all the right things. They offered sacrifices to God and were exact in their religious observations. And yet, the book of Amos is written to them as a warning—a warning that destruction that would befall them if they refused to change?   Why?  Because they had neglected the true heart of loving and worshiping God.   While they were doing many of the "right" things, it's what they weren't doing that drew God's ire. They failed to take care of the poor and needy. They turned their eyes away from injustice. Many had turned to idols for help and prayer.   Through Amos, God told the people of Israel that it is just as important to be righteous inwardly as it is outwardly. We cannot say we love God and others when we fail to help people who are within our power to help.  Just as James 1:27 tells us, true religion includes helping orphans, widows, and those who are in distress. James goes on to write that faith without works is a dead faith (James 2:26). In short, faith is both believing in the Lord and doing the things He has told us to do.  Take some time to think about your own life: how much time do you prioritize on your own spirituality versus serving others?   What ways can you begin to take steps toward serving in your church, your neighborhood, or your school in order to help those in need. All of these are ways that our faith becomes complete in Christ as we follow after Him.

Verse for Today

April 28, 2024 • James 3:13

‭James 3:13 CSB‬ [13] Who among you is wise and understanding? By his good conduct he should show that his works are done in the gentleness that comes from wisdom. https://bible.com/bible/1713/jas.3.13.csb What Living Well Looks Like  If you’re a good athlete, it shows every time you compete. If you’re a fantastic cook, the truth comes out in the kitchen. If you have a brilliant mind, you can’t help but solve problems. If you have a stunning voice, such talent can’t stay hidden.   We might present ourselves a certain way, but who we are will eventually come out. This is why James encourages Christians to prove who they are through the way they live. To prove something simply means to show that it’s true.   Do you say that you trust God? Prove it by starting your day with a genuine confidence in Him.   Do you say that you love your neighbor? Show it by going out of your way to notice, serve, and honor the people around you.   Do you call yourself a follower of Jesus? Prove it by living your life in a way that reflects His heart. This doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect, but it does mean that even when you mess up, you will still try to make things right. And not because you must work for God’s favor or earn His love, but because your actions reveal what is happening inside of you. As Jesus said in Luke 6:45, “… What you say flows from what is in your heart.”  So, how can we live an honorable life? By doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. Not worldly wisdom, but godly wisdom. When we stick close to God, who invented wisdom, He transforms us from the inside out.  So if you claim to be wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by the way you live. And when questions arise—go to the One who has answers. Even on the most overwhelming of days, trust that God is by your side.  Today, ask yourself: “Do my thoughts match what people see on the outside?” Then, ask God: “Show me how to do what You’ve called me to do, and be who You’ve called me to be.”

Verse for Today

April 27, 2024 • Proverbs 9:10

‭Proverbs 9:10 CSB‬ [10] “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. https://bible.com/bible/1713/pro.9.10.csb The Key to Real Wisdom  Would you ever build a house without blueprints? Or assemble an airplane without instructions? Or conduct open-heart surgery without training?  Hopefully your answer is “no.”  If we want to know how something works, we should look to the expert for insight. In a similar way, if we want to know how the world works, we should look to God.  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” Proverbs 9:10 ESV  God made the world and everything in it. He knows how life works best.  But too often, we look to ourselves or even to others to tell us who we are, what to think, and to explain to us how life works. The good news is:  Wisdom doesn’t begin with us—the created. Wisdom begins with God—the Creator.  Are you interested in real wisdom? Genuine insight? True understanding? Look to God, study His ways, and consider His character. Examine Him closely and find what you’re searching for.  Real wisdom starts with a God-centered foundation. Everything else is built on that rock.  But as we do that, we must first honestly ask ourselves some hard questions: Do I want to learn from God, or would I rather do my own thing? Do I want godly wisdom, or would I rather be my own god?  Satan fell from heaven because he wanted more power than God. Adam and Eve struggled in the garden because they weren’t sure if they could trust God. And ever since, every human has been faced with a choice: to seek God, or seek life without Him. No one can make the decision for you, but if you want to be truly wise, you must choose God.  So right now, be real with yourself: Are you willing to surrender your way of thinking and genuinely look to God, or would you rather just do your own thing? If you feel a wall of pride going up within you, ask God to help you knock it down. Brick by brick, He can reestablish your foundation.

Verse for Today

April 25, 2024 • Philippians 4:7

‭Philippians 4:7 CSB‬ [7] And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. https://bible.com/bible/1713/php.4.7.csb Peace Beyond Anxiety  Anxiety is an increasingly common experience in our world. Around the world there are rumors of war, or threats to safety and security. We experience high levels of conflict and change across cultures, and in our personal lives. We wonder about our safety, the security of our children, and what the future might look like.   And if we’re not careful, our thoughts can easily lead us into anxiety. We can be swept into the spiral of over-thinking and worry.  God tells us something different. He tells us to submit everything to Him in prayer. To submit something to God in prayer is to recognize that He is the creator and director of history, and He alone has the power to protect us and direct our lives.  If we’re careful to guard our thoughts and submit them to God, God says that He will give us His peace. The peace of God surpasses all of our understanding because it transcends our anxious and changing world.  Having God’s peace doesn’t mean that we won’t have times where we feel anxious. But even in the most anxious of times, we can rest in the assurance that God is with us, and He is more powerful than our anxiety. When we offer God our thoughts and circumstances, we allow Him to step in. We allow Him to transform the ways we think and act. We allow His peace to come and guard our hearts and minds.   The truth is, we don’t have the power to change our thoughts or circumstances—only God does. When we try to take control, we often worsen the spiral of anxiety and worry. But we don’t have to stay in that place. We can bring our concerns to God, and allow Him to give us His peace in return. Over time, we will discover that His peace has empowered us to think and act differently.  Every time you find yourself anxious, take a moment to pause and pray. Be honest with God and tell Him exactly how you’re feeling and thinking in that moment. Remember that God is always in control, and always present with you.

Verse for Today

April 24, 2024 • Mark 9:23

‭Mark 9:23 CSB‬ [23] Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’? Everything is possible for the one who believes.” https://bible.com/bible/1713/mrk.9.23.csb Where Doubt Meets Belief  In Mark 9, we read the story of a father who loved his son. He loved his son so much that, when his son was possessed by a spirit, the father brought him to Jesus, believing that Jesus could heal him and drive out the spirit. ”If you can do anything,” the boy’s father said, “take pity on us and help him.”  The boy’s father believed Jesus could drive out this spirit. But he didn't know it for sure. He brought him to Jesus, but he still doubted—after all, no one else had been able to heal his son.  Have you ever felt torn between that same belief and doubt? The boy’s father shares a struggle many of us have—the struggle to hold onto faith during life's trials.   Yet Jesus doesn’t shame this father. Instead, He responds in faith: "'If you can'? Everything is possible for one who believes."  Jesus invites this father to a decisive choice. To trust either in Jesus' authority, or to doubt.  In this story, Jesus did drive out the spirit through prayer, while his disciples could not (Mark 9:26-28). However, we must also realize that Jesus’ response does not promise us that faith guarantees our every desire will be realized. Faith isn't a license for wish fulfillment. Instead, it challenges us to recognize God’s supreme power and ability to fulfill His will, His way (Mark 1:40–42). True faith always comes under the authority of God’s sovereignty.  Faith, in its truest form, trusts that God’s purposes are greater than our understanding.

Verse for Today

April 23, 2024 • Colossians 3:2

‭Colossians 3:2 CSB‬ [2] Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. https://bible.com/bible/1713/col.3.2.csb Changing Our Perspectives  Have you ever found yourself tasked with doing something that was boring, uneventful, uncomfortable, or difficult? When we find ourselves in those situations, our first reaction might be to complain or quit trying.   Sometimes, mundane jobs and every-day responsibilities don’t feel like worthwhile investments of our time and energy. But the truth is: everything we do matters to God and is used by Him.   “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”  Colossians 3:23-24 NIV   Whatever you do. Whether you’re in your dream career or working for someone difficult, whether you’re taking care of your house, or organizing a business—everything we do is an opportunity to worship Jesus. It’s just a matter of perspective.   If we view life through a lens that is only concerned with ourselves, we will quickly grow tired of our circumstances and disappointed by our striving. But if we view life through a lens of worship, nothing in this life will give us more joy than serving Jesus.   If everything becomes about Him, then everything is worth doing well. If we’re Christians, then our lives belong to Jesus. As Paul put it, Jesus is now our “master.”   Our whole world becomes about Him, His purposes, and His glory. When we do everything with Him in mind, He never fails to bless us with His presence, love, and grace. And one day, He will also give us an eternal reward for our faithful service.   So as you think about the work God has put in front of you, consider what it would mean to do everything for the Lord. And then ask yourself: “in what ways will I honor God and inspire others today?”

Verse for Today

April 22, 2024 • Acts 4:12

‭Acts 4:12 ESV‬ [12] And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” https://bible.com/bible/59/act.4.12.esv How to Make Disciples  Imagine being a disciple in Jesus’ day. Just before Jesus returns to heaven, He commands you to tell all nations the story of the gospel. In your travels, you encounter new people and cultures and share all that God has done through His Son, Jesus. People’s lives are changed because of God’s salvation and His working through you.   God asks us to continue to make disciples in His name because His is the only name that can offer salvation.  Disciple-making starts with loving others as God has loved us. It involves thoughtful teaching and instruction that points people toward a loving relationship with God. We can teach others about discipleship as we go about our daily lives. Here are two ways to get started…  Modeling But as for you, promote the kind of living that reflects right teaching. Titus 2:1 NIV If we want to help people know God, it is important to have hearts that demonstrate Jesus’ teachings. Jesus cared for the poor and the oppressed. He cared more about inward heart attitudes than outward demonstrations. He sacrificed Himself for the good of others. When we model Christ’s sacrificial love and compassion in our relationships, we are illustrating that we have been transformed by God’s love. The way we live will invite others to experience the same sort of love that transformed us.   Mentorship Give instruction to the wise, and they will become wiser still; teach the righteous and they will gain in learning. Proverbs 9:9 NRSV As each of us grows in intimacy with God, we can offer wisdom to people we know. Taking time to listen to people’s stories and encouraging them to walk with God through their experiences can lead to a powerful mentoring relationship.   Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave His disciples the command to make more disciples. He declared that all disciples should be made in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is a comforting reminder that when we make disciples, we aren’t doing it by our power.  God’s grace goes before us, and the Holy Spirit works in our hearts to transform us. This is all possible because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross.  So take a moment to think about someone you would like to see draw closer to God. How can you show up in their life today?

Verse for Today

April 21, 2024 • 1 Thessalonians 5:18

‭1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV‬ [18] give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. https://bible.com/bible/59/1th.5.18.esv Choosing Thankfulness  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 is a full sentence, but it’s packed full of powerful commands:  Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  Today, let’s look at the last of those three commands in verse 18: Give thanks in all circumstances.  This is one of those commands that, while simple, can feel daunting, or even impossible, at times. How do we feel gratitude when life isn’t fair, when pain tries to push out our joy, or when doubt clouds our vision?  The beauty of this command isn't about the absence of difficulty, but rather our response to it. When we express gratitude in all circumstances, it isn't a denial of challenges. It's a bold declaration of faith. It's choosing to recognize God's presence and power even during tough situations, not despite them. We don’t have to be thankful for our circumstances–but we can always choose to be thankful while we’re in them.  Recall God’s faithfulness, speak of His goodness, declare His character, and find strength in His promises when our own falter. Gratitude shifts our focus.  So, one more time, let’s look at all three of these commands together: Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Commit these commands to memory. Recall them when you are happy, when you are sad, when you are unsure, when you are angry–in every season, in every moment.  Reflect on these commands today.

Verse for Today

April 20, 2024 • 1 Thessalonians 5:17

‭1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV‬ [17] pray without ceasing, https://bible.com/bible/59/1th.5.17.esv Choosing to Pray  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 is a full sentence, but it’s packed full of powerful commands:  Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  Today, let’s look at just the middle verse: Pray continually.  The God who made you calls you by name and invites you to come and talk to Him. And the great news is: you can talk to God at any time, no matter what you’re feeling or thinking. No part of your life scares Him.    The thought of praying continually can sometimes feel intimidating—but it wasn’t meant to be. Prayer is simply a two-way conversation with God. The more conversations you have, the more you get to know the heart of your Heavenly Father. And as you get to know His heart, you are drawn closer to Him.   Prayer also keeps us in tune with the Holy Spirit. When we pray earnestly, we create space for the Holy Spirit to speak to us. When we talk with God and draw near to Him, His Spirit makes us more aware of God’s presence and power in our lives.   When we create space to listen to God, we create space to receive from Him, and remember who He is and all that He has done for us. There is little room for worry and fear when we are talking to Him about our problems, and actively giving Him our concerns.   Today, let’s posture ourselves to be in constant communication with our Choosing to Pray  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 is a full sentence, but it’s packed full of powerful commands:  Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  Today, let’s look at just the middle verse: Pray continually.  The God who made you calls you by name and invites you to come and talk to Him. And the great news is: you can talk to God at any time, no matter what you’re feeling or thinking. No part of your life scares Him.    The thought of praying continually can sometimes feel intimidating—but it wasn’t meant to be. Prayer is simply a two-way conversation with God. The more conversations you have, the more you get to know the heart of your Heavenly Father. And as you get to know His heart, you are drawn closer to Him.   Prayer also keeps us in tune with the Holy Spirit. When we pray earnestly, we create space for the Holy Spirit to speak to us. When we talk with God and draw near to Him, His Spirit makes us more aware of God’s presence and power in our lives.   When we create space to listen to God, we create space to receive from Him, and remember who He is and all that He has done for us. There is little room for worry and fear when we are talking to Him about our problems, and actively giving Him our concerns.   Today, let’s posture ourselves to be in constant communication with our Heavenly Father.Heavenly Father.

Verse for Today

April 19, 2024 • 1 Thessalonians 5:16

‭1 Thessalonians 5:16 ESV‬ [16] Rejoice always, https://bible.com/bible/59/1th.5.16.esv Choosing Joy  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 is a full sentence, but it’s packed full of powerful commands:  Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  Today, let’s look at just the first two words: Rejoice always.  Consider the significance of the author, Paul’s, exhortation to “rejoice always.” This wasn’t a casual command but a testament to the enduring joy found in Christ—a joy without regard for life's unpredictable seasons.   Choosing to rejoice isn’t about denying real suffering and pain. Choosing to rejoice is a deliberate decision to anchor our joy in the character and promises of our Heavenly Father and not life’s circumstances. To rejoice is a declaration of trust.  Today, you face our own trials and uncertainties, large and small, draw strength from Paul’s words: “Rejoice always.” God is at work, shaping and sculpting your journey with purpose. Even when the purpose isn’t immediately evident, trust that He orchestrates every moment for your ultimate good.

Verse for Today

April 18, 2024 • Acts 20:35

‭Acts 20:35 ESV‬ [35] In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” https://bible.com/bible/59/act.20.35.esv Created to Love Others  When we believe in Jesus and live our lives following after Him, we get to experience His grace and mercy every day! We get to walk in new life and new ways of thinking about God's creation and our place in it. Not to mention, we can rest knowing we are God's own children!  But it can be just as easy to live life thinking only of ourselves and the good things we have received. Jesus spent most of His ministry helping and assisting others, but if we're being honest—and Jesus was always honest, too—most of us have a tendency to be selfish with God's gifts, or ignore opportunities to serve the weak or needy in our everyday lives.  As Paul was speaking to the leaders at the church in Ephesus in Acts 20:35, he made sure to remind them that his life has not been about himself, but about helping others. Paul says that everything he has done has been about helping those who are weak and in need. Paul didn't say these things to boast about himself, he said them to point back to Jesus as the truest example of love.  While the Christian faith is certainly about loving God, it is also about loving others as well. It is about using our new life in Christ to bring positive change to the lives of others—the same positive change Christ brought about in us.  Jesus said that when we use our life to help others, we end up even more blessed. It is always more blessed to give to others than to receive for ourselves.  Take some time to consider the way your own life has been blessed by others. Then, write down a few ways that you can begin to help others who are in need.   What practical ways can you bless those in your neighborhood, work, or school? Begin to build a habit of being a blessing to others.

Verse for Today

April 17, 2024 • Luke 3:36

‭Luke 6:36 ESV‬ [36] Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. https://bible.com/bible/59/luk.6.36.esv Here’s what mercy really looks like…  What would you do if you ran into someone who offended, upset, or greatly wronged you?   The Pharisees in Jesus’ time taught that it was excessive to forgive someone more than three times. But Jesus’ teachings set a standard for extravagant forgiveness. He emphasized that we should forgive others generously and continuously.  The outward expression of forgiveness can look different for everyone, but true forgiveness should offer mercy and compassion to those who hurt us.   Forgiveness isn’t easy. Showing compassion to someone who hurt us goes against our natural desire. At times, it can even feel overwhelming, unfair, and impossible. But showing someone undeserved forgiveness and compassion is what mercy is … and it’s what Jesus does for us.    God so loved the world that—despite our constant mistakes and continual rejection of His presence—He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us. Although we didn’t deserve His forgiveness or love, He offered it to us anyways. And now, anyone who believes in Jesus can receive unlimited mercy and unmerited grace.    It’s because God freely offers us mercy that He asks us to show mercy also.   The world will tell you to hold onto your hurt and allow it to shape you. But Jesus wants to release you from the pain of your past by changing your heart’s posture toward others. This isn’t easy—it is often an act of continual, painful surrender.  But Jesus doesn’t expect us to go through the process of forgiveness alone. He offers to help us if we are willing to trust Him and honor His teachings.  Jesus isn’t asking us to do anything that He hasn’t already done for us. And when we offer mercy to someone who has wounded us, we illustrate how God’s forgiveness has impacted us.    So is there anyone you can offer mercy and forgiveness to today?  Spend some time with God, ask Him to search your heart, and give Him any hurt you’ve been carrying.

Verse for Today

April 16, 2024 • Lamentations 3:22–23

‭Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV‬ [22] The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; [23] they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. https://bible.com/bible/59/lam.3.22-23.esv New Mercies  Your eyes opened this morning. The sun has risen again. Your heart is still beating. Your lungs are inhaling fresh oxygen. You are here, you are alive, and your life has intrinsic value.  It’s true.  But this fractured world tries to beat us down, which can feel all-consuming: our relationships are far from perfect, our desires are bent toward selfishness, and sometimes the everyday grind can feel like too much.  The author of Lamentations, traditionally identified as Jeremiah (though His name isn’t stated explicitly), is known as the “weeping prophet”—constantly undone because of the heartbreaking sin of his people and their open disregard for their Creator. The book is full of grief and distress and lament. But, still, he confidently writes:  “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” ‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:21-23‬ ‭ESV  Even though God’s people had rebelled, even though the strength of Israel was gone and they were facing the consequences of their idolatry, even though their unfaithfulness was making their lives fall apart…  God still poured out His steadfast love. God still showed off His endless mercy. God still lavished His people with His constant faithfulness.   That is why they were not consumed. And that is why we still have hope.    If you’ve run from God, ignored His good design, disregarded His warnings, purposely rebelled against Him, or simply chose to forget His existence all together, it’s not too late to turn back.    God doesn’t ignore those who come to Him. He doesn’t dismiss those with a humble and repentant heart. He is patiently and faithfully waiting for those who will return to Him.