
Verse for Today

April 28th, 2024

April 28, 2024 • James 3:13

‭James 3:13 CSB‬

[13] Who among you is wise and understanding? By his good conduct he should show that his works are done in the gentleness that comes from wisdom.


What Living Well Looks Like

If you’re a good athlete, it shows every time you compete. If you’re a fantastic cook, the truth comes out in the kitchen. If you have a brilliant mind, you can’t help but solve problems. If you have a stunning voice, such talent can’t stay hidden.


We might present ourselves a certain way, but who we are will eventually come out. This is why James encourages Christians to prove who they are through the way they live. To prove something simply means to show that it’s true. 

Do you say that you trust God? Prove it by starting your day with a genuine confidence in Him. 

Do you say that you love your neighbor? Show it by going out of your way to notice, serve, and honor the people around you. 

Do you call yourself a follower of Jesus? Prove it by living your life in a way that reflects His heart. This doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect, but it does mean that even when you mess up, you will still try to make things right. And not because you must work for God’s favor or earn His love, but because your actions reveal what is happening inside of you. As Jesus said in Luke 6:45, “… What you say flows from what is in your heart.”

So, how can we live an honorable life? By doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. Not worldly wisdom, but godly wisdom. When we stick close to God, who invented wisdom, He transforms us from the inside out.

So if you claim to be wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by the way you live. And when questions arise—go to the One who has answers. Even on the most overwhelming of days, trust that God is by your side.

Today, ask yourself: “Do my thoughts match what people see on the outside?” Then, ask God: “Show me how to do what You’ve called me to do, and be who You’ve called me to be.”