
Leadership, Pt. 4

Pt. 4, The Perfect Leader

September 27, 2024 • Central Baptist Church

September 27, 2024


Pt. 4, The Perfect Leader

This month we are talking about “Leadership”.  In our first installment, we considered the concept of vision.  A leader must have a goal or vision to work toward.  Solomon said it like this, Where there is no vision (meaning a Divine instruction or revelation), the people perish… (Proverbs 29:18).  Next, we considered the importance of implementation.  A leader may know what they want to accomplish, and where they want to go, but do they know how to get there?  Successful leaders need to know or figure out HOW to implement their vision.  Jesus not only had a vision (a Divine plan or mission), but as The Creator, He knew how to implement His vision. Last week we visited the sad reality of leadership failures and how we are wise to follow Christ, and not politicians, economists, and philosophers.  This segues us into the lesson climax entitled, The Perfect Leader.

Our world has always been either 1) enamored with, or 2) in great fear of, their leaders.  In ancient times, the potentates of Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, and Greece were formidable foes to their enemies and usually even fearful rulers to their own people.  In recent history, we can populate a list of both good and bad leaders, men and women who have written significant chapters in our world history. But honestly, it is much easier to populate a list of the bad eggs than it is to think of those leaders who have benefitted our world society.  On the bad side were men like the ruthless Mongol warlord Genghis Khan, Fascist dictators like Hitler and Mussolini, Communist revolutionaries like Marx and Engels and the dictators that took advantage of their corrupt socioeconomic philosophies, e.g., Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.

But now, take my challenge.  Name some good leaders.  Maybe Queen Esther?  Maybe George Washington?  Maybe Winston Churchill?  Who else?  Have I demonstrated my point?  Naming good leaders, off the cuff is a bit harder, isn’t it?  The reasons are simple: first, there have been far, far more bad leaders in our world’s history, and second, the term “good” is relative.  What you and I call “good” is totally dependent upon our social, political, and spiritual worldviews.  Consider also our last two presidents of the United States!  These two men’s political and social philosophies are virtually polar opposites, and their presidencies have created more animosity and vitriolic fervor than any two back-to-back presidents in my memory. 

So, who IS the perfect leader?  If we are honest, the perfect leader is the person who champions all of OUR causes, beliefs, and philosophies.  The problem, of course, is that I’m as messed up as you are!  Truly, As it is written, There is none righteous, no not one (Romans 3:10).  When we look to political leaders, business leaders, environmental leaders, economic leaders, and even to religious leaders, to “save” us (and our planet) we are essentially putting our faith in another sinful, biased, and failure-prone human being.

The only Perfect Leader that has ever lived, taught, and led is the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God.  He IS… The Way, The Life, and The Truth (John 14:6).  And just consider what sinful humanity did to Him!  The truth is that no sinful human being is going to usher in a utopia.  Oh, one IS going to try!  The Scriptures call him the Beast, the Man of Sin, and the Antichrist.  This false Christ will rise in the end days as this world’s “savior” and the vast majority of humanity will champion his cause and follow his lead… right into eternal perdition!

Jesus the “Christ” (meaning Anointed One, Messiah), was and will be, this World’s Perfect Leader. The only hope for our lost and decaying world is the soul salvation provided by Jesus’ First Advent sacrifice, and then the righteous judgment that is coming when Jesus returns as King and Judge at His Second Advent.  King Jesus will rule and reign in total righteousness on this Earth for 1000 literal years and from a new world capital: Jerusalem.

Friends, this World’s Perfect Leader is coming back!  And here is the only question that remains: will He be your Savior or your Judge?  As the Psalmist prophesied in Psalm 2:12, Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

God bless and consider!