
Leadership, Pt. 3

Pt. 3, When Leaders Fall

September 20, 2024 • Central Baptist Church

September 20, 2024


Pt. 3, When Leaders Fall

This month we are talking about “Leadership”.  In our first installment, we considered the concept of vision.  A leader must have a goal or vision to work toward.  Solomon wrote, Where there is no vision (meaning a Divine instruction or revelation), the people perish… (Proverbs 29:18).

Next, we considered the importance of implementation.  A leader may know what they want to accomplish, and where they want to go, but do they know how to get there?  Successful leaders need to know how to implement their vision.  Jesus not only had a vision (a Divine plan or mission), but as The Creator, He knew how to implement His vision.

This week I want to look at the grave fallout produced when leaders fail.  It has been said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  I believe that maxim is 100% correct.

FIRST, this maxim is correct because God’s Word teaches that it is correct.  SECOND, it is correct because reality teaches us that it is correct.  If you have not yet stopped to consider the fact that God is into reality, you might consider that now.  Let’s consider some of those historical realities taught in God’s Word.

• Adam, God’s leader of the family, followed Eve’s lead in disobeying their Creator.  As the leader, Adam failed, and humanity was plunged into sinful chaos.

• At Kadesh, Israel followed the majority, when 10 of the spies said NO and only two said GO.  Israel failed to trust God, Who had just weeks earlier parted the Red Sea, and Who was even then leading them with a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.  The unbelieving nation sided with 10 unbelieving, ungodly leaders, and rejected the urgent counsel of their godly spiritual leadership: Moses, Joshua, and Caleb.  Consequently, God consigned the entire nation to 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, during which a whole generation died.  The only men of that generation to enter Canaan were faithful Joshua and Caleb.  Ten leaders failed, and it cost an entire generation.

• Another obvious lesson on the importance of godly leadership is the record of Israel’s and Judah’s Kings.  When the nation’s kings were godly, and led out in the worship of their Creator, God blessed them. But when the leaders were evil and idolatrous, the people suffered greatly, even finally being given over into captivity.  The 10 Northern Tribes—called “Israel” or “Ephraim”—NEVER had a godly king; every leader was wicked and idolatrous!  Consequently, God gave them over into the hands of the wicked Assyrians.  God granted the southern Kingdom, Judah, a little more space for His servant David’s sake, but eventually, their leaders all led wickedly, and He had to give them up also.  He used Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians to judge the Southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin.

And we could go on, and on, and on with Biblical examples that warn us to follow godly leaders and to shun evil, wicked, and unbelieving leaders.  But, unfortunately, humanity has still not learned its lesson.  Generally, our World’s secular—i.e., PURPOSEFULLY godless—societies continue to reject godly principles and godly leaders, in exchange for secular, humanistic, God-hating leadership.  These kinds of base men and women are guaranteed to fail and fall… BECAUSE THEY ARE LED AND EMPOWERED NOT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, but by their base and carnal desires, by their corrupt secular philosophies, and bottom line, by the Spirit of the Age, i.e., the god of this world, Satan, and his demonic hierarchy.


So, if you are looking at the big picture, you will recognize that our vision, and then our implementation of that vision, must be God-authored and then God-empowered,

• IF it is to be of any eternal value,

• IF it is to bring blessing, and

• IF it is going to lead to spiritual righteousness (which comes by repentance and faith in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross).

Human beings can come up with all kinds of ideas, strategies, and visions, but as the Psalmist wrote, Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain (Psalm 127:1).

God bless and consider!