
Break Off Thy Sins!

The Grave Danger of Pride

June 5, 2019 • Dr. John Waterloo

* Pride ignores warnings
* Pride implores judgment
* Pride can be overcome - God gives grace to the humble

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Live for Jesus! It's Worth It!

January 15, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

* Gods plan for salvation is still the same (v10)... even in that time of great apostasy * The wicked will never understand... but the born-again saints will! (1Corinthians 2:6-14) * In light of these inevitable events, how should we live? * Live for Jesus always! It’s worth it!

A Time of Trouble

January 8, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

War to War

December 18, 2019 • Dr. John Waterloo

Outline of Chapter 11 * vv 11:1-4 From the Medo-Persian Empire to the Grecian Empire and the death of Alexander the Great * vv 11:5-20 The wars between the Ptolemies and the Seleucids (descendants of two of Alexander’s four generals who divided his kingdom after his death) * vv 11:21-35 The Jews suffer great persecution under one of the last Seleucid kings, Antiochus Epiphanes, who is a type of the future Antichrist * vv 11:36-39 The latter-day persecution * vv 11:40-45 The initial triumph and then fall of the future Antichrist (11:40-45) Applications * Keep your eyes upon Israel; the real underlying issues of world events are always spiritual. * Just like God’s nation Israel, nothing can happen to Christians without God’s permission. * If we want peace... then we must prepare for loss, hardship, and war. * Prepare our families by making sure they are saved and strong in faith. * We MUST have the mind of Christ… a Christian worldview! * Expect scoffers, persecution, and wars... but continue in holiness! Be ready to meet Jesus! (2Peter3)