
Cast of Characters

Christmas Season 2023

Cast of Charactors - The Misfits

December 24, 2023

Join us for an insightful and inspiring sermon series, "Cast of Characters," where we delve into the rich tapestry of Jesus' family lineage and the diverse, sometimes unexpected, individuals who played a crucial role in the unfolding drama of God's redemptive plan. In this sermon, we'll explore the theme of "Misfits in the Line of Jesus" and how these unconventional characters paved the way for the Messiah. As we journey through the genealogy of Jesus, we'll encounter people like Rahab, a former prostitute; Ruth, a foreigner; and David, a shepherd-turned-king. Each of these misfits played a unique role in God's grand narrative, reminding us that God often chooses the unlikely to accomplish His purposes. Their stories reveal God's ability to transform the broken and use the marginalized to fulfill His divine plan. But the narrative doesn't end with the historical cast of characters. In exploring Jesus' lineage, we'll draw parallels to the present day and examine the misfits among us who are part of God's kingdom. The kingdom of God, as Jesus proclaimed, is not exclusive to the religious elite or the socially esteemed. It welcomes the outcast, the sinner, and the marginalized into its fold, creating a diverse community where every individual, regardless of their background, finds a place. Join us as we discover the beauty of God's inclusive kingdom and how, like the misfits in Jesus' lineage, we are all essential characters in God's redemptive story. This sermon aims to challenge preconceived notions, break down barriers, and inspire a sense of belonging for every individual, reminding us that misfits are accepted and celebrated for their unique contributions to God's kingdom. Come be a part of "Cast of Characters" and explore the extraordinary grace that welcomes misfits into the lineage of Jesus and the kingdom of God.

Cast of Characters - Mary

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Gilles

Join us for a compelling journey into the heart of the Christmas story with our sermon series, "Cast of Characters." In this enlightening series, we delve into the lives of the individuals who played pivotal roles in the miraculous birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This week's focus centers on the extraordinary woman whose faith and obedience set the stage for the most significant event in human history – Mary, the chosen one to give birth to the world's Savior. This thought-provoking sermon will explore the profound significance of Mary's role in the divine narrative. With a scriptural foundation drawn from the Gospel accounts, we will unravel the mystery of God's selection of Mary and her incredible faith when confronted with the angelic proclamation. Mary's response to the angel Gabriel's message is a model of surrender and trust in the face of the unknown. As we reflect on Mary's journey, we will consider the cultural and societal implications she faced, the doubts she may have grappled with, and the courage it took to embrace her calling. Through her example, we'll draw timeless lessons on humility, obedience, and the transformative power of saying "yes" to God's plan, even when it seems beyond comprehension. This sermon promises to deepen your understanding of the Advent season and inspire a fresh appreciation for the woman who bore the weight of the world's salvation in her womb. Join us as we celebrate Mary's pivotal role in the unfolding drama of redemption and discover how her obedience forever changed the course of history. "Cast of Characters: Mary - Chosen to Birth the Savior" invites us to witness the awe-inspiring intersection of the divine and the human, reminding us that God often chooses the seemingly ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary.

Cast of Characters - The Angels

December 17, 2023 • Pastor Gilles

Join us for a captivating journey into the celestial realm as we delve into another installment of our sermon series, "Cast of Characters." This week, we focus on the awe-inspiring role of angels in the divine narrative, tracing their heavenly trajectory from the announcement of Christ's birth to the jubilant proclamation over Bethlehem. In "Heavenly Messengers," we will explore the pivotal moments when angels played a central role in God's redemptive plan. Beginning with the angelic visitation to Mary, we'll unravel the significance of the heavenly proclamation that paved the way for the arrival of the Savior. Discover the divine choreography as angels moved across the tapestry of history, announcing the birth of the long-awaited Messiah. As we unpack the angelic encounter with the shepherds in the fields, we'll witness the celestial celebration that erupted in the skies over Bethlehem. Imagine the symphony of voices as angels rejoiced, proclaiming the arrival of Emmanuel – God with us. What can we learn from these heavenly messengers and their profound connection to the incarnation of Jesus? Join us as we explore the mysteries of the angelic realm, seeking to understand their pivotal role in God's unfolding story of redemption. Through scriptural insights and practical applications, we'll draw parallels between the angels' response to Christ's birth and our own call to proclaim the good news in our lives today. Don't miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the cast of characters surrounding the birth of Jesus and the divine messages they carried. Come, be inspired, and leave with a renewed sense of awe for the heavenly messengers who played a vital role in the greatest story ever told.

Cast of Characters - Unveiling Joseph: A look at the Forgotten Hero of the Nativity

December 10, 2023 • Pastor Gilles

Join us for a compelling journey through the lives of biblical figures in our sermon series, "Cast of Characters." In this installment, we delve into the extraordinary life of Joseph, a man chosen by God to play a crucial role as the earthly father to the world's Savior. Joseph's story is one of unwavering faith, resilience, and obedience to the divine call. As we explore the pages of Scripture, we will witness Joseph's challenges as he navigated the complexities of being the earthly father to Jesus Christ. From the initial shock of Mary's miraculous pregnancy to the trials of parenthood, Joseph's character is a testament to the transformative power of trust in God's plan. In this sermon, we will uncover Joseph's role's significance in the redemption narrative. As the foster father to Jesus, Joseph provided a loving and supportive environment for the Son of God to grow and served as a model of faithfulness and righteousness. His acceptance of God's will and his willingness to take on the responsibility of raising the Savior showcases the profound impact one individual can have on the course of salvation history. Join us as we reflect on Joseph's pivotal role in the Christmas story and consider the timeless lessons his life imparts to us today. Discover how his obedience, humility, and love exemplify the qualities God seeks in those willing to participate in His divine plan. Through Joseph's story, we find inspiration to embrace our own roles in God's redemptive narrative and to trust in His providence, knowing that even in the most unexpected circumstances, God is at work shaping the course of history.

Cast of Characters - The Prophets

December 3, 2023 • Pastor Gilles

Join us for a captivating journey as we continue our sermon series, "Cast of Characters," where we delve into the lives of those who played pivotal roles in the grand narrative of redemption. In this particular installment, we turn our attention to the Prophets who were entrusted with the sacred task of heralding the arrival of the long-awaited Savior. The air is charged with anticipation as we explore the lives of these chosen messengers, men who stood on the threshold of history, bridging the gap between the Old Testament promises and the fulfillment found in the birth of Jesus Christ. From Isaiah's poetic prophecies to Micah's pinpoint accuracy regarding the Messiah's birthplace, each prophet contributes a unique piece to the divine puzzle that unveils God's redemptive plan. As we navigate the pages of Scripture, we will witness the faithfulness of God in orchestrating the intricate details of the nativity story. Often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, these prophets were integral players in the divine drama that unfolded in Bethlehem's stable. Prepare to be inspired and challenged as we draw parallels between the prophets' messages and the timeless truths they hold for us today. Their words were not confined to a specific time and place but continue to resonate, reminding us of the enduring hope in our Savior's birth. Come and discover how the ancient voices of the prophets echo through the corridors of time, inviting us to embrace the profound significance of Christ's advent. Join us in worship, reflection, and celebration as we explore the Cast of Characters who heralded the greatest story ever told – the story of the Savior's birth.