
Cast of Characters - Mary

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Gilles

Join us for a compelling journey into the heart of the Christmas story with our sermon series, "Cast of Characters." In this enlightening series, we delve into the lives of the individuals who played pivotal roles in the miraculous birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This week's focus centers on the extraordinary woman whose faith and obedience set the stage for the most significant event in human history – Mary, the chosen one to give birth to the world's Savior.

This thought-provoking sermon will explore the profound significance of Mary's role in the divine narrative. With a scriptural foundation drawn from the Gospel accounts, we will unravel the mystery of God's selection of Mary and her incredible faith when confronted with the angelic proclamation. Mary's response to the angel Gabriel's message is a model of surrender and trust in the face of the unknown.

As we reflect on Mary's journey, we will consider the cultural and societal implications she faced, the doubts she may have grappled with, and the courage it took to embrace her calling. Through her example, we'll draw timeless lessons on humility, obedience, and the transformative power of saying "yes" to God's plan, even when it seems beyond comprehension.

This sermon promises to deepen your understanding of the Advent season and inspire a fresh appreciation for the woman who bore the weight of the world's salvation in her womb. Join us as we celebrate Mary's pivotal role in the unfolding drama of redemption and discover how her obedience forever changed the course of history. "Cast of Characters: Mary - Chosen to Birth the Savior" invites us to witness the awe-inspiring intersection of the divine and the human, reminding us that God often chooses the seemingly ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary.