Ordination Service

June 3, 2023 • Chad Grundy

Ordination Program

Welcome & Prayer .................................Elder Darryl Bentley

Hymn of Praise*...............................#6 “O Worship the Lord”

Scripture Reading ..................................Elder Darryl Bentley

Philippians 4:6-7

Elder’s Recommendations .......................Elder Rick Russell

Special Music ..................................Elder & Mrs. Leslie Louis

Message & Candidate Introduction ..Pastor Ryan Ashlock

Ordination Prayer .......................................Elder Gary Moyer

Ordination Charge* ......Elder Ricardo Palacios Elder Glen Altermatt

Candidate Response ..............................Elder Chad Grundy

Welcome to Ministry ......................Elder & Mrs. Leslie Louis

Placing of the Mantle ........Elder Leslie Louis Elder Haskell Williams

Hymn of Commitment* ..........#311 “I Would Be Like Jesus”

Benediction Elder .........................................Haskell Williams

*Charge, pp. 6 & 7

*Hymns, pp. 8 & 9