
Caring For People God's Way Series

Lesson 8: Bringing People into God's Presence

Lesson 7: Pain and Suffering

Lesson 5: Family Systems, Breaking Generational Patterns

March 30, 2023

Family Systems, Breaking Generational Patterns Questions 1) Using Abraham’s life story found in Genesis starting at chapter 12 - 25, what adverse generational processes did he and his family’s dynamics set into motion? 2) Continuing with Abraham children, specifically his two sons, Isaac born of Sarah, and Ishmael born of Hagar (Genesis 21), what do you see brewing that will impact this family in the future, and why? 3) What is a transitional family member? And why are they so important? 4) What are some ways to break dysfunctional family dynamics? Recommended Resources 1) Spiritual Warfare, Tony Evans. 2) The Fight for Family: Defeating Generational Dysfunction, Finding Generational Freedom, Francie, Willis. 3) Article, http://ucg.org / Good News / Can You Break the Cycle of Generational Dysfunction? 4) Secrets of Your Family Tree: Healing for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families, William Henry Cloud, John Townsend, Earl Henslin, Alice Brawand, Dave Carder.

Lesson 4: Helping Others Find Significance

March 9, 2023

Questions 1) Are you able to describe the difference between self-worth and God’s worth? 2) Why is this distinction important when you are navigating difficult life circumstances? 3) Do you believe that there are root causes to dysfunctions such as difficult behavioral patterns in relating to other. 4) What about emotional wounds, reoccurring thoughts that bring about guilt or shame or why does one have difficulty in believing God’s position about who you are – do you believe these also have root causes? Recommended Resources 1) The Search for Significance: Seeing Your True Worth Through God's Eyes, Robert McGee. 2) Enough: Silencing the Lies that Steal Your Confidence, Sharon Jaynes.

Lesson 3: Managing Stress and Anxiety

February 2, 2023

Questions 1) What is stress? Is it the same as anxiety? 2) What are the differences between positive and negative stress? Describe some differences? 3) Why does it appear as if our culture is in a stress crisis? 4) What is adrenaline and how does it impact us physically and mentally during stress or anxiety? 5) What are some helpful stress management techniques? Recommended Resources 1) Adrenaline and Stress: The Exciting New Breakthrough that Helps You Overcome Stress Damage, Archibald Hart. 2) Thrilled to Death: How the Endless Pursuit of Pleasure Is Leaving Us Numb, Archibald Hart. 3) Anxious for Nothing, Finding Calm in a Chaotic World, Max Lucado. 4) The Anxiety Cure, Archibald Hart. 5) Redefining Anxiety: What it Is, What it Isn't, and How to Get Your Life Back, John Delony. 6) Battlefield of the Mind, Winning the Battle in Your Mind, Joyce Meyer

Lesson 2: Using Your Spiritual Gifts

December 14, 2022

Using Your Spiritual Gifts in Counseling Questions 1) Based on your reading of Romans 12, how are spiritual gifts to be used in the church? 2) Are you able to identify and describe some spiritual gifts and their purpose for the Church? 3) What are practical ways spiritual gifts are to be used in life to help others? 4) Identify ways that one may know their spiritual gift(s)? Recommended Resources 1) Understanding Spiritual Gifts, Sam Storms. 2) Study Your God-Given Gifts, Don and Katie Fortune 3) SHAPE, Finding and Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life, Erik Rees

Lesson 1: Becoming a Christian Counselor

December 8, 2022

Lesson 1: Becoming a Christian Counselor Questions 1) What are some of the issues in our society that you believe the church can add supportive care to help improve and why do you believe this? 2) Identify ways that people anesthetize their pain/brokenness? 3) Do you believe that only medically licensed people can help others with life issues? 4) Is there a biblical basis for Christian counseling 5) What is the benefit of receiving both church care (spiritual) and licensed mental health together when going through life issues? Recommended Resources 1) Restoration Story: Why Jesus Matters in a Broken World, Cheong, Robert. 2) Saints, Sufferers, and Sinners: Loving Others as God Loves Us, Emlet, Mike. 3) Biblical Counseling and the Church: God's Care Through God's People (Biblical Counseling Coalition), Bill Kellmen. 4) Lay Counseling, Revised and Updated: Equipping Christians for a Helping Ministry, Siang Yang-Tan and Eric Scalise. 5) Guidebook to Christian Lay Counseling by Rivers Lake Community Church, 4301 Calloway Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93312.

Introduction to Caring for People God's Way

November 17, 2022

Meet the CCF Care and Counseling Ministry

November 3, 2022

Video 1 - Meeting the Capital Christian Fellowship Care and Counseling Team