
Luke 24:1-27 "The Power of the Word of God"

October 22, 2023 • Jared Clements

Today we'll look at the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thank God there is hope beyond the grave! We'll also be seeing the power of God's Word in action.

Cross References


Isaiah 52:14

1 Corinthians 15:13-19

Verse 1

John 19:41

John 19:39

Mark 16:3

Verses 2-4

Matthew 28:1-8

Hebrews 13:2

Verses 6-8

Luke 9:22, 43-45

Luke 18:31-33

Verses 9-10

Mark 16:9

Luke 8:2-3

Verses 19-24

John 7:45-46

Verses 25-27

Genesis 3

Psalm 22

Isaiah 53

Jeremiah 31

Romans 10:7

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