
2 Kings

2 Kings 1

April 22, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

2 Kings is really just a continuation of 1 Kings and a historical-spiritual look at the rise and fall of a kingdom. That kingdom, of course, is Israel. 1 Kings was dominated by Solomon and the building of a temple and a kingdom so grand that the Queen of Sheba was stunned by it. Things were going really well. 1 Kings also introduced us the great Elijah the prophet whose role it was to challenge Israel to get right with God and turn away from the false religious worship they had adopted. 2 Kings is the culmination of the direction that began with Solomon in n 1 Kings. It is a sad but instructive history of what happens when God's people turn their backs, and hearts, on Him. Despite warnings and opportunities, their culture of idolatry had run amok! 2 Kings opens with the miracle working Elisha and tracks the demise of both the northern and southern kingdoms. Israel (north) carried away by the Assyrians and Judah (south) carted off by the Babylonians. The beautiful temple of 1 Kings is robbed and burned down. By the end we will wonder, "Is God through with His people forever? Is there any hope for their future?" Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Watch and See! Steve

2 Kings 2

April 29, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

We have a really interesting OT passage and more to follow as we march through the history of Israel! Second Kings Chapter 2 is the well known story of Elijah being "taken up" into heaven. He is one of a very elite group of people (only two I believe) who are taken to heaven without actually dying! Can you think of the other one? When the rapture of the church happens, everyone who is living at the time will experience the same thing. Paul says that "we shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the blink of an eye...." (1 Cor 15). We will also talk more about the ancient "schools of the prophets" initiated by Samuel and carried on by Elijah and Elisha. At a time when the nation was at its worst spiritually, there were a lot of young people playing music and declaring the word of God. Schools of ministry existed at Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, Samaria, Ramah, and Carmel. What was it like to be in ministry? What was the relationship between Elijah, Elisha, and the ministry training schools? http://and.....there is a surprising incident at the end of the chapter. See what happens when you make fun of bald men of http://god....if you can "bear" to see it! …. Watch and See.... Steve

2 Kings 3

May 6, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

In this message we will cover 2 Kings 3. So, what do a guitar and a shovel have in common? They are both important tools in this powerful chapter! With Elijah off the scene, Elisha begins to fill his mantle, so to speak. He goes from being a servant of the prophet to being the prophet himself. Do you think some people had a hard time accepting his new role? With a "three king coalition" heading out to put Moab in their place, the army faces dire -- or rather "drier" -- straights! No water anywhere. They would be thirsty, then fatigued. This progresses to headache, irritability, loss of coordination and confusion. For anyone that is a bad scenario, but for an army heading into http://battle....it's a death sentence. Enter Elisha and the word of God. What does Elisha tell them to do? Well, he says, it's not going to rain, but tell your army to fill the valley with ditches. Living on a farm, I have dug more post holes and water line trenches than I care to think about. Blistered hands and hard Fluvanna soil are not great for digging in! Now God tells a dehydrating army to expend their valuable energy on preparation for what comes next. The Lord has been speaking to my heart in this COVID season. 2 Kings 3 will help me explain what I believe our Father is doing during this time. It is extremely relevant to our current situation. Faith and God's word move us to expend energy in preparation! How does this apply to you specifically? How does this apply to our currently somewhat quarantined church? Ok, the shovel I can see, but what about the guitar??? For that you will have to......... Watch and See! Steve

2 Kings 4

May 20, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

If you think we live in a difficult politico-religious climate, think about the world Elisha was living in! There wasn't a single good king in the North -- all had perpetuated false religion of some sort or another. But 2 Kings 4 highlights individuals and situations connected to the ministry of Elisha. All experienced, and were supportive of, the things of the God of Israel! Four situations show the power of God available to individuals despite what the government under King Jehoram was like. What a difference one person submitted to God can make! What a reminder that the power of God is available even when the national spiritual climate is poor! After Elijah was transported to heaven, Elisha asked, "Where is the God of Elijah" for his own ministry and life. And now Elisha is experiencing miracles very similar to those Elijah did. Steve

2 Kings 5

May 27, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

2 Kings 5 is on our plate for tonight, and it's a good one! The chapter really revolves around a high ranking Gentile military commander named Naaman. He stands out for two reasons; first because of his military accomplishments, and second because he was a leper. Ouch. What a smudge on an otherwise successful life. There are many lessons in the passage, but we get some unique insight into unspoken expectations. Yes, Naaman is the primary figure, but Elisha's servant Gehazi is important too. Both of them have expectations -- unspoken thoughts about how things should be and what they deserve. The Bible tells us what they were thinking while all we would see is what they were doing! These expectations almost cause Naaman to miss out on a healing and they do bring trouble into the life of Gehazi. Do pride and expectation cause you to miss out on things that could bring healing? Do you have high expectations of God and others? Do people frustrate you? Do you often walk away from God, people, or opportunities because of anger and unmet expectations? View and see how Naaman and Gehazi both experience transformation and the role of expectation. Oh http://yeah.....and why Jesus refers to this story in Luke 4! Steve

2 Kings 6

June 10, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

In turbulent times the Word of God is a rock where we can rest our hope and focus our minds. The news can give us some of the story, but will never give us the whole story.. Huh? What do you mean pastor? We who are spiritual should see the world and ourselves with different eyes. We see a whole picture - the big picture - while others are blind to it. In fact, the bible has much to say about seeing and being blind. In some cases the reference is to the actual faculty of sight. But often "seeing" is a metaphor for perceiving or understanding with the mind. In Eph 6 and other places, Paul mentions that our battle is not with flesh and blood, but behind all of this is the reality of a spiritual realm of darkness with its organization and hierarchy and influence. It is invisible to the human eye, just like dark matter and atoms, but it is real and its effects are observable. CNN will never mention the spiritual battle influencing the earthly one! In 2 Kings 6, we see the fear of Elisha's servant and the confidence of Elisha. One has understanding of spiritual things and the reality of the other does not include it. Spiritual sight gave Elisha confidence in his own turbulent times. Maybe God wants to open our eyes to a reality the news will never address. Believe it or not, I have a bugs bunny illustration for this tonight! http://finally....elisha ends up leading the entire Syrian army right into Samaria, the northern capital. The whole army could be destroyed in a great victory. But that is not what happens. What takes place is rather unbelievable and instructive. For the rest of the http://story....you will have to view and see! Steve

2 Kings 7

June 17, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

Evangelism! What are your thoughts about or feelings toward evangelism? Do you think of street preaching or church programs? Maybe you immediately jump to "televangelists"? Is evangelism something you do, or it is the pastors job? Maybe you would rather do anything except talk to people about Jesus?? Evangelism is a word made from two root words. "Eu" means "good or well done". Think about a "eulogy" at a funeral which is the part where people "speak well" of the deceased. The second word you might recognize easily - "angel"! No, it's not the job of angels to tell people about Jesus...although they did at His birth! "Angel" means "messenger". So evangelism is the delivery of good news or a good message! Although we find the word all over the NT -- including in the great commission at the end of Mark to go forth into all the world and preach the gospel (euangellion) to every creature -- my favorite picture of evangelism comes from 2 Kings 7! Why? People have different motives for telling people about Jesus. Sometimes it is for argument, sometimes from obligation. Jehovah's witnesses do it as part of the works they believe are necessary for salvation. 2 Kings 7 reveals a great motive of the conscience for giving others good news! Come and see how four lepers can challenge your thoughts and concepts about evangelism! With so much bad http://news....now is a great time to give desperate people good news! Watch and see. Steve

2 Kings 8

June 24, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

In this message we will spend our time in 2 Kings 8. As we watch the steady progress of the nation - both North and South - toward destruction and enslavement by the end of 2 Kings. What are the steps that led there? In these chapters we will look at some of the complicated history that brought about the sad destruction. It is complicated because we have, for a time, a Northern king and Southern king that have the same name! And to make things worse, there is an intermarriage between the kingdoms that even makes things more complicated! In the middle of the names and marriages, there are some important nuggets we are given to take away from 2 Kings 8. One guy who was forced out of ministry and has taken a secular job in government, and another guy who is either all too aware, or completely unaware, of the wickedness he is capable of! View and see.... Steve

2 Kings 9

July 1, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

So, we will take a look at the life and lessons from King Jehu. Je-Who? No, Je-hu! Jehu is a northern King whose reign lasts for a lengthy 28 years (and 2 chapters)! His reign is characterized by bloodshed and reform. God gives him a heavy responsibility to hold two difficult things in tension. He is to be a king over God's people, AND be an instrument for God's vengeance on Ahab and Jezebel and their dynasty of destruction. Those are both challenging callings, and he is commended by God for doing what he did, but he had some issues along the way! Spoiler alert: Pride, vengeance, and momentum make for a dangerous combination in life! Oh http://yea....and we see what becomes of the wicked queen Jezebel tonight! Steve

2 Kings 10

July 8, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

We will open our Bibles to 2 Kings 10 and part II of the biography of King Jehu: God's Avenger! Having taken out Joram and Jezebel, Jehu will continue on the path of vengeance on behalf of God. He wipes out the whole house of Ahab. Did Ahab really think God would turn a blind eye to murder? As with our modern stories, heroes are complicated people. Jehu has serious momentum and is an instrument doing God's will, but there are some issues. What are the issues? Two key statements in chapter 10 reveal that Jehu might be God's hypocrite! Come and see what Jehu did with the temple of http://baal....and don't forget to wash your hands when you are done (hint, hint). Steve

2 Kings 11-12

July 15, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

Having looked at the life of Jehu in the North, we will make our way back to Judah and Jerusalem in the South. How are things going there? It depends on when you ask.. The focus of these chapters is around the life of Joash. He has a long reign (40 years) that begins when he is seven years old! He should be playing little league but he is busy reforming his nation! Here is an interesting connection between Joash and Calvary Fluvanna. Have you noticed that we don't pass an offering plate? Maybe you have noticed the boxes in the back and appreciated the freedom to give privately and not under the pressure of the plate going by. Well, you can thank Joash's creative leadership for that! And BTW, we have enjoyed the same results he did! Unfortunately, he is one of those people who starts well and ends poorly. He is really influenced by the people around him, just like us. Remember, "bad company corrupts good morals"! Where does Joash go wrong? What does his life have to do with the offering boxes at our church? For that and more you will have to....... VIEW AND SEE! Steve

2 Kings 13

July 29, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

In the South, the monarchy of King David was salvaged from annihilation by hiding baby Joash when the rest of the family was being killed by Queen Athaliah. Meanwhile, in the North, the Jehu Dynasty has replaced Ahab and his family as the ruling family. Let me introduce you to ...… and Jehoash! Any time we talk about the Northern http://kingdom.....it's always http://bad.....always! But for me the highlight of the chapter is the death of Elisha. Any time a nation, or community, or family says goodbye to a strong spiritual leader like Elisha, it hurts. How does Elisha, the guy who did twice as many miracles as Elijah and was so in touch with God, die? No spoiler here -- View and see! Before he dies, he has a final meeting with Israel's king, Jehoash. The meeting involves a bow and some arrows and some hands on instruction! The scene reveals some important truths about our intensity and God's activity. Can I ask you a question? How bad do you want it? How bad do you want victory in your life? What enemy are you struggling to defeat? How is it going? Tune in and see what all of this has to do with Jehoash and http://elisha.....and you! Steve

2 Kings 14

August 5, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

2 Kings 15:1-16:9

August 12, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

We are definitely "over the hump" in our study of 2 Kings. We keep plugging away, looking at the political and religious history of Israel. They were divided and for the most part had disowned the God who formed their nation from nothing. They were not a people, and God made them His own special people. 2 Kings 15 gives a brief overview of seven different kings. While Kings Uzziah (pictured above as leprosy breaks out on his forehead) reigns in the South for fifty -two years (age 16 to age 68),five different kings pass in and out of power in the North! Also, the Jehu dynasty comes to an end after 4 generations, just as God said it would. Chapter 15 ends with Uzziah's death and replacement by his son Jotham. Something interesting begins to change at the end of ch 15. God begins to unleash the kings of Israel and Syria against Judah. The entirety of ch 16 is about King Ahaz! You might know about him and not even realize you do! Do you like Christmas? Do you know the "virgin will bear a son and you will call His name Immanuel, meaning God with us" passage? That was a promised sign http://to.....none other http://than.....king Ahaz of Judah (south)! Want the details about the leprosy of Uzziah and the promise to Ahaz? The come on out and see what the LORD is doing! View and See.... P.S. This is a good time to read the Book of Isaiah! His ministry in Judah as a prophet extended from Uzziah to Hezekiah. His writings cross paths with the history we are studying and give a fuller understanding! Steve

2 Kings 16:10-20

August 19, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

We left off in 2 Kings 16:10, so we will pick up there and head into Ch 17. The picture above depicts the "Assyrian deportation" of Israel. It is a sad scene when you stop to think about it. The strength of God's people has always been their dependence on God. Not their military, or their morality, or their ritual. God Himself is their refuge and strength, a very present help in times of need. We all depend on something or someone. Many people who struggle with trust have learned "independence" or self reliance. They have the feeling of not needing anything or anyone. Others have developed what we call "co-dependency", or a reliance on another human to meet spiritual and emotional needs. As we go further, we think of chemical dependency -- seeking refuge and comfort in drugs, painkillers, alcohol, or something else that intertwines with body chemistry. The nation of Israel was at its peak under David. David was far from perfect, but he remained soft and loyal to the God of Israel - the only true God. The result was peace and prosperity with enemies kept "at bay". Now, after years of turning their backs on God to varying degrees, God gives them the natural result of worshiping what is man made -- bondage. We make things and then the things we make control us. Think cell phones and computers and so on. Not only http://that.....we become like them. Like the man made statues that are lifeless -- unable to think, unable to hear, unable to see. Its a tragic but avoidable truth for them and for us! Join me tonight as we look at these things in a little more depth! Watch and see! Steve