
2 Kings 1

April 22, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

2 Kings is really just a continuation of 1 Kings and a historical-spiritual look at the rise and fall of a kingdom. That kingdom, of course, is Israel. 1 Kings was dominated by Solomon and the building of a temple and a kingdom so grand that the Queen of Sheba was stunned by it. Things were going really well.

1 Kings also introduced us the great Elijah the prophet whose role it was to challenge Israel to get right with God and turn away from the false religious worship they had adopted.

2 Kings is the culmination of the direction that began with Solomon in n 1 Kings. It is a sad but instructive history of what happens when God's people turn their backs, and hearts, on Him. Despite warnings and opportunities, their culture of idolatry had run amok!

2 Kings opens with the miracle working Elisha and tracks the demise of both the northern and southern kingdoms. Israel (north) carried away by the Assyrians and Judah (south) carted off by the Babylonians. The beautiful temple of 1 Kings is robbed and burned down. By the end we will wonder, "Is God through with His people forever? Is there any hope for their future?"

Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

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