
Matt Basinger

Buried Treasure

May 31, 2023 • Matt Basinger

What would you do if you discovered you had a priceless treasure in your house? This is exactly what happened to a woman in Compiegne, France. She had a painting from the 13th century, the long-lost work of Florentine artist Cimabue hanging in her kitchen. It was sold at auction for 26.8 million. Many of us would think our troubles are over. This will solve the many problems in our lives and we will get to experience a new type of life. What if I told you that we possess a treasure that the psalmist David says is better than thousands of gold and silver coins? A treasure that has changed my life and, if it hasn’t already, can change yours. This treasure is not meant to sit in a display case collecting dust. It shouldn’t be looked at from a distance. It is to be used. As a lamp, sword, and… hearing aid? Do you know what this treasure is?  View and see.  Matt

Easter Sunday 2023

April 9, 2023 • Matt Basinger • Philippians 3:10

Experiencing Resurrection Power - Philippians 3:10 Guest Speakers: Matt Basinger Easter is the most important holiday for believers. 1 Cor 15:13-15 says, But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up—if in fact the dead do not rise. The Resurrection is a pillar of the faith. It is a day of rejoicing and triumph. Why is it then that the resurrection can be so easily overlooked? Often, we focus on the evidence of the resurrection. What are the proofs that Jesus actually rose from the dead? Paul in Phil 3:10. Tells us he wants to know Him and the power of His resurrection. Know is the Greek word Ginosko. It is experiential knowledge. Paul is saying he wants to experience the Lord and the power of His resurrection. Paul isn't interested in just knowing facts and proofs. He wants to know what it means to experience the power of His resurrection. Can you say you have experienced it? How do you know?... ...Come and see. Matt

Luke 2:1-12

March 29, 2023 • Matt Basinger • Luke 2:1–12

Luke 2:1-12 “filled to the brim” Guest Speaker: Matt Basinger


February 5, 2023 • Matt Basinger • John 15:1–8

James 3:13-18

November 9, 2022 • Matt Basinger • James 3:13–18

Calvary Chapel Fluvanna - Guest Speaker: Matt Basinger - James 3:13-18 - Nov. 9th. 2022 @ 11AM

A Call to Action

May 18, 2022 • Matt Basinger • 1 Peter 1:10–16

Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, 11 searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. 12 To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things which angels desire to look into. 13 Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 14 as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; 15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.

1 Peter 1:3-9

May 11, 2022 • Matt Basinger • 1 Peter 1:3–9

Calvary Chapel Fluvanna - 1 Peter 1:3-9 - Matt Basinger - May 11th. , 2022 @ 7PM

Matthew 24:45-51

July 24, 2022 • Matt Basinger • Matthew 24:45–51

"Parable of the Faithful and Unfaithful Servants" - Matthew 24:45-51 Our guest speaker, Matt Basinger, is going to take a look at what Jesus said about His return, and how to be ready for Him. After His resurrection, His disciples thought He would set up Israel as a worldwide power right away! But in reality, He was going to go http://away......for http://awhile....and then come back. Jesus tried to prepare His disciples by teaching them how to handle His delay. His absence really becomes a time of testing. You know that feeling. Did we hear Him right? Is He really coming back? Maybe He forgot? Maybe it was all a lie? How you handle His absence says a lot about your trust level. So more of our questions will be, are you a faithful servant? How do you know? Are we a church of faithful servants? As always.... http://.....view and See!!!!! Steve

What to do with Jesus

March 16, 2022 • Matt Basinger • Mark 6:1–6

Message from Mark 6:1-6 - "What to do with Jesus"

Psalm 107

December 8, 2021 • Matt Basinger • Psalm 107

Thankful? Why? Prayer time with children - or grandchildren - is a blast. "Thank you for mommy and daddy and grandma and grandpa and Uncle Billy and Roscoe the family dog, and so on. You get the drift. When we talk about being grateful, how easy is it for you to think of things you are grateful for? Do you list people, things, relationships, and possessions? I am sure for many of you Jesus makes the list. But are there some amazing things that you might easily overlook? In Psalm 107, we are confronted with the amazing goodness of God. But its impossible to experience how good He is unless you appreciate what He has done! In this Psalm we are reminded of some of the deeper and more fundamental needs humans have, and how God provides for those needs. These are things that maybe we have forgotten to be thankful for, or things we haven't yet experienced. Are there some things I should be thankful for that I have missed? Maybe. In this message, Matt Basinger will lead us through this most brilliant Psalm as we continue to grow in gratitude. Josh McDowell said, "My heart cannot rejoice in what my mind rejects." Beautiful. If your mind can accept the way God has met your deepest needs, then your heart can rejoice even more with gratitude over his goodness! http://....view and see!

Bold Careless Confidence

August 22, 2021 • 2 Chronicles 20

Acts 1

April 7, 2021 • Matt Basinger

Acts 4:13-14

March 14, 2021 • Matt Basinger

I AM - The Way, The Truth, & The Life

November 8, 2020 • Matt Basinger