Buried Treasure

May 31, 2023 • Matt Basinger

What would you do if you discovered you had a priceless treasure in your house? This is exactly what happened to a woman in Compiegne, France. She had a painting from the 13th century, the long-lost work of Florentine artist Cimabue hanging in her kitchen. It was sold at auction for 26.8 million. Many of us would think our troubles are over. This will solve the many problems in our lives and we will get to experience a new type of life.

What if I told you that we possess a treasure that the psalmist David says is better than thousands of gold and silver coins? A treasure that has changed my life and, if it hasn’t already, can change yours. This treasure is not meant to sit in a display case collecting dust. It shouldn’t be looked at from a distance. It is to be used. As a lamp, sword, and… hearing aid? Do you know what this treasure is? 

View and see. 
