
Tate Cox


March 15, 2023 • Tate Cox • 2 Timothy 3:10—4:5

Deception and deceivers have existed since the beginning of time, with Satan being the ultimate deceiver. Since the Garden of Eden, Satan has been determined to lead people astray from God's teachings.

Even today, Satan's objective remains unchanged - he wants people to reject the Word of God and create their version of truth. The only way to avoid falling for this world's empty and meaningless philosophies is to hold fast to the absolute truth of the Bible. We must cling to the Scriptures as the world relentlessly attempts to sway us from the truth they contain.

Stand Firm on the Truth

April 14, 2024 • Tony Perkins • 2 Thessalonians

In the day of spiritual apostasy, lawlessness, and abandonment of truth, how are followers of Jesus to stand firm?

Don't Waste Your Dash

April 3, 2024 • Mark Spence • James 4:14

We all have a birth date, and, unless the rapture happens, we will all have a death date. What we do in between will echo forever. God has created each of us with a radical purpose. A life devoid of this passion is a wasted one. God beckons us to think and dream big. Yet, many drift through life without a fervor for God and the lost, consumed by trivial distractions, pursuing comfort and pleasure, and perhaps merely avoiding sin. This message serves as a call to avoid a life that amounts to nothing. It challenges us to live and die with a resounding proclamation of Christ, making the glory of God our ultimate passion.

His Own Special People

February 21, 2024 • Tate Cox • Titus 2:11–14

God's special people are called to lives of holiness, purpose and good works as they eagerly await Christ's return.