
Galatians 1 vs 11-24

Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek

September 8, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • Galatians 1:11–24

Galatians Chapter 1 Verses 11 – 12

·     I love this because Paul basically says here that man does not have the authority to change what man did not originate! The gospel of Jesus Christ isn’t something of men so men cannot alter it, change it, evolve it, deconstruct it, reverse engineer it or re-engineer it! Oh, but we try, right? Gender, marriage, definition of right, definition of wrong, who God is, what is my purpose in life… None of those things are of man or from man and yet here we are in a reality where all of that and more is up for discussion… And that is the single reason why as a world, country, and individual…, we see degradation and certainly no growth towards God!

·     So folks coming along and changing or adding to or taking away from the simple gospel of salvation, right standing with God through the blood of Jesus alone, available to anyone no matter creed, culture, education or qualification… Look, anchor so solidly, so ferociously to the truth that a lie becomes like nothing to you!

·     And Paul throws a little play on words here which is fun. In the Greek, he literally says, “The gospel which was gospeled by me…” Same word twice. And that’s a hint, a glimpse into the strategy of the demonic and why the gospel has been twisted in such effective, rational, worldly ways over the generations… Because if we can twist the gospel then we can stop the gospel. Because once it’s Jesus-AND, once it’s grace-YEAH BUT, then it’s not Jesus and it’s not grace and the gospel is no longer the good news of the gospel!

·     It’s not of man, doesn’t come from man, can’t be taught it even from me or any other man…, the true work of salvation, the true receiving of the gospel, the energizing of a saving faith is limited to revelation, one-on-one revelation of Jesus Christ Himself to a heart! Romans 10:10 says, “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness…” Not ears, not mind, not understanding, not agreement…, the true work of salvation and the true receipt of the gospel is with the heart only!

Galatians Chapter 1 Verses 13 – 17

·     Paul is driving home the statement he just made that his salvation, his receiving and understanding of the truth didn’t come through men simply telling him what someone else knows. The gospel and the truth of Jesus Christ, even the truth and all things that need to be known by each one of us about each one of us…, its like a steak from Ruth’s Chris. Have you ever been there? You know, taken out a second mortgage to have a meal, ha!

·     The steak there undergoes a 28-day aging process and is prepared using a patented 1800-degree broiling method that was developed by the original founder of the restaurant chain. It has a concoction of proprietary seasoning and each steak is served sizzling on a 500-degree plate. When you take your first bite your soul comes out of your body and slaps you in the taste buds, its so good! Can you taste it? OF COURSE YOU CAN’T! I can describe it all day to you, teach about it all day to you, but if you never pay that price and take your own bite, you won’t really ever know…

·     Can you tell others about it without devouring it yourself? Absolutely! Will it be an accurate education? Absolutely not! And guarantee you’ll put your own personal points in there, why? Because you don’t ACTUALLY know what it’s like so you embellish your own imagination, naturally! Likewise, folks that have not surrendered their heart to the sufficient grace of the gospel of Jesus Christ…, they have their own angle to what it means to be saved….

·     Paul says here that he was uber-religious. But wasn’t saved. (Just one symptom of that by the way…, the religious, the self-worshippers unaware, their default is to change everyone around them and never change themselves…, ouch!) He says here that he was advanced in his culture and a leader amongst his people in his trade and talents. But wasn’t saved. Paul says here that his passion for truth was unmatched and his zeal in pursuit of God was unrivaled in the world. But wasn’t saved… He went all in with what he thought God wanted and, in the end, it left him empty. Then God showed him what He wanted… And it was so complete that for 1,000 days he didn’t learn a thing from anyone that was anything in Christianity… He took all that he got straight from the Lord!

Galatians Chapter 1 Verses 19 – 24

·     To see folks change and folks changing, even yourself, the changes in your own heart and thinking and life due to a real relationship with Jesus Christ and a right relationship with God, not only is it incredible and outstanding and refreshing, but more so than all of that, God is glorified.

·     Acts Chapter 7 Verses 57 – 59, “They cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and ran at him with one accord; and they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God…”

·     Acts Chapter 8, verse 3, “As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and dragging off men and women committing them to prison.” Act Chapter 9, verses 1 – 2, “Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.”

·     That same man now lives for Jesus. That same man, the man we just read about, wrote roughly 25% of the New Testament under the guidance and inspiration of God Himself. That same man carried one central message the rest of his life, that there is forgiveness and eternal life, (something this world does not have to offer), in Jesus Christ. That’s the message he put on display and lived out himself, why? Because after all he had done and the monster he had become…, all of that died that day on the road to Damascus. The day that he, energized by a personal interaction and revelation of Jesus Christ, began to address and change himself rather than the people around him. He balled it all up, boxed it all up, stuck a label on it that read Jesus Christ, 777 Calvary Way, and he sent it to the only Person and place where it could get dealt with… giving his all, his heart of hearts to Jesus calling Him, “Lord.”

·     I don’t need massive faith. I don’t need intense strength of belief. I need the decision to respond to Jesus when He calls to me and that’s it. When He tells me this, I listen. When He directs me to that, I am directed. No greater faith and that is a life that WILL be changed. That will grow. That will mature. That will find strength, everlasting life, poise, purpose and joy! For my elite own personal goodness! To the refreshing of everyone in my life… AND, to the glory of God!

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