
Galatians 2 vs 14-21

Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek

September 29, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • Galatians 2:14–21

Galatians Chapter 2 Verses 14 – 16

·    “Not straightforward about the truth of the gospel,” was Paul’s issue. And I want you to notice, it wasn’t something Peter and Barnabas were saying, or preaching, or teaching…, it was something they were doing. It was the example they were setting and it was the message they were sending with their actions. What we say is important because its what we believe. And what we do is important because it is what we believe. If those two things don’t line up, that’s the definition of hypocrisy!

·    The truth of the gospel is laid out excellently by Paul here and it is everything that Peter knows to be right and true. “Knowing that we are justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.” (Which we need to come back to in just a moment) Peter knows this, Barnabas knows this, I know this…, and I also know this about me…, that sometimes by my actions, motivations, reactions and the way I treat folks around me, I am saying, “You’re forgiven, justified by faith with Jesus, but not with me…” And I know that grieves the Spirit…

·    What’s even more troubling to Paul is the impact of who Peter is… This is a plea for awareness for those that are somebody important in the lives of others. Like parents, employers, ministry leaders…, the more authority you have the more harm you can inflict. God save us from careless people in authority! The church in Antioch experiences Peter pull back as it were, a display of hypocrisy in that he denies what he knows to be true… If that’s a pillar in what I’m involved in…, why am I involved in it?! Paul can’t let this go…

·    AND, this puts on display the needed partnership of different kinds of people. Peter was a good man. Brought up in his Jewish home, a simple fisherman that had found good success. Then he began to follow Jesus and he did so faithfully (with a few mistakes like us all). Pretty squeaky-clean dude. So much so that when he tried to be tough and swing a sword, he just made a fool out of himself…

·    Paul was a murderer. Crass. Stiff-necked, street smart, a well-traveled criminal if you will… Who do you think would more understand salvation by grace through faith. Justification by faith apart from works…?

·    I need the squeaky-clean homeschoolers in my life to give me a picture, an example and an inspiration towards squeaky clean living… AND, they need me in their lives to see that grace is truly grace…, and faith apart from works is truly the only reasonable salvation option for all of us!

·    Paul lays that out so well here. I wonder have you received it? I wonder can you receive it!? That by the works of the law, their law, your law, your parent’s law, your churches law, your religion’s law, your denomination’s law, by following rules, traditions, rites and rituals, no flesh shall be justified… What’s more not flesh CAN be justified!

·    It’s an impossibility! Complete impossibility! If it were possible then I could own heaven! Show up and I’m there not because the entrance afforded to me by Jesus but because of my own victory over all sin in my life…? That’s a ridiculous thought! Salvation, being right with a holy and a perfect God is only achieved through complete eradication of all sin…, no other way, there are no good people in heaven, only perfect people, perhaps you just cannot grasp that! Because if you can then you easily arrive at Paul’s perspective…, “Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law,” because check this out, we keep one part of the law and then another pops its head up and calls us out…. Check out what Paul gives us next…

Galatians Chapter 2 Verses 17 – 18

·    If justification is by Christ alone, and yet sitting with gentiles breaks that justification, then we were never justified! Does that make sense!? Think about that! Think hard for a moment…, that’s an intense thought with VERY far-reaching implications!

·    We are justified by Jesus and what Jesus has done and that’s it. Can I undo what Jesus has done? Not a chance and the implied implication of that is incredible!

·    That’s the gospel and we’ve already covered this, that’s the only way even feasibly possible for all that I have ever done wrong and all that I ever will do wrong to be forgiven, forgotten, cast as far as the east is from the west! And as that is truth, “we better not sit with gentiles or we will be rejected by the people of God,” is complete nonsense!

·    “For if I build again those things which are destroyed then I make myself a transgressor.” Transgressor simply means I know something to be right and I deny it… There’s an English word for that too, “stupid!” HA! If Jesus has set me free from the chains of bondage and yet I create new chains for myself…, what on earth am I doing!?

Galatians Chapter 2 Verse 19

·    There’s the cross! The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And Paul is rightly stating in a practical, empirical, personal way that He is now in Jesus, which is what it means to truly believe. He is not some sort of mindful believer; he has become one with Jesus through the indwelling presence of the King. That is what communion means and points to…, this is what circumcision of the heart is! This is what relationship is…, to exist as part of another!

·    The King of kings and Lord of lords has taken up residence in Paul’s heart of hearts and so although it was Jesus who through the law died to the law and it was Jesus that was resurrected unto life eternal, (because the wages of sin are death, Jesus had no sin, yet He submitted Himself to death but when He got there, death couldn’t hold him…), Paul says that if Jesus did it and He did it for me, then I DID IT! The law against Paul was satisfied by life of Jesus Christ! Think of it! Death was satisfied, by LIFE! And Paul says I have placed my faith there and therefore…, I’m in it too! That’s the gospel!!!

Galatians Chapter 2 Verse 20

·    One of the most important verses in all of scripture. This isn’t just the mantra of those building their courage for their day. This is the gospel to be apprehended even on your worst of days!

·    My faith is in Jesus and although I live on…, I don’t live on in the confines, under the power of or even the constant cognizance of the amercement of sin! Jesus paid it ALL! It is finished! And now I live, good days and not so good days, by faith in Him!

·    Let me talk about faith for just a moment. Faith is a normal and expected response of a believer. Believers believe. We serve a merciful God…, and His call on us for salvation is to believe and yet faith and belief are and are not interchangeable. I am a faithful husband not because I believe April exists or even that I believe April is my wife. I am a faithful husband because I reserve myself for her. This is the same in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

·    So, when the Bible says, “Whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life,” understand a genuine belief will have measurable results. Those measurable results in a life build our confidence…, belief + results + confidence is the Biblical concept of faith.

·    AND without confidence in that belief the enemy sows false converts at worst and ineffective kingdomless Christians at best! If we are believers, if we have given our lives to Jesus, this is the definition of those that have faith…, then check this out…, The Spirit of God has taken residence in us and He exudes confidence in Jesus!

·    Faith is the most normal response to the discovery of who God is! Someone says they find it hard to be faithful… That’s not an issue of the will. That’s an issue of the heart. Seek God for a season. Watch your strength grow as you encounter more and more the truth of Jesus and the Word of God! It’s all a heart thing! It’s not a mind thing! And that’s tough because as much as everyone thinks we are led by our hearts, most people are led by their minds… But that doesn’t work well in terms of the Kingdom… Let me show you…

·    2 Corinthians 3:14-15 says, “But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains on their heart. Nevertheless, when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.” From what? The heart! Faith comes first, then understanding… And that is opposite of how we operate as humans. We see, we process, we think, we conclude, we progress… But with faith, it’s a surrender. Romans 10:9 says, “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation…” So, Paul is defending the faith he has in Christ which is a heart-trust in the gospel and a soulish and spirit-filled embrace of grace!

Galatians Chapter 2 Verse 21

·    If righteousness come through the law, (and the implication is ANY law), including the laws of man, the traditions of a church denomination, the laws of a prophet, the laws that I self-impose, if righteousness comes through any other, then Christ died in vain…. So, the conclusion of the matter is clear… Romans 5:18-19, “Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.”


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