
Galatians 2 vs 1-10

Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek

September 15, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • Galatians 2:1–10

The chapter break between chapter 1 and chapter 2 is one of the worst ones in the scriptures, ha! Paul encounters Jesus on his was to Damascus. He then goes to Arabia and back to Damascus. After three years had passed, he goes to Jerusalem, sees Peter and James (Jesus’ brother), departs and goes to the regions of Syria and Cilicia.


Galatians Chapter 2 Verse 1

·    Now, the rumor and fame of Paul begins to spread in Judea because this was the same Saul who had petitioned and received letters from the High Priest that had authorized him to be a marshal of sorts against Christians…, but that was three years ago and no one had heard from him since. What happened to him? And the talk churned up when it was heard that he had in fact returned, empty handed, and had lodged with Peter!! WHAT?! He should have been arresting Peter!

·    After that, he returns to the regions of Arabia and Cilicia and remains there fourteen years. What was he doing? No record at all. Other than in the next verse he says he’s been preaching to the gentiles and no doubt making tents. Paul was a tent maker by trade. And after these fourteen years, he returns again to Jerusalem and with him are Barnabas and Titus.

·    These two were a perfect pair to accompany him. Barnabas was a well-known and well-respected leader in the early church. A Jew.  His name actually wasn’t Barnabas. That was his nickname of sorts. According to Acts 4:36-37, his name was Joses which means “Exalted One,” but the apostles started calling him Barnabas which means, “Son of Encouragement.”

·    Then there was Titus. A Greek. A gentile. And the scripture has actually a lot to say about him. He even has his own book, not written by him but written by Paul to him. He was a true son in the faith to Paul. Paul refers to Titus as having his same heart in 2 Corinthians and also makes the statement in 2 Corinthians 2:13 that not having Titus with him caused him to have no rest in his spirit.

·    Do you have someone like these in your life? A Royal Table? One person to inspire you. One person to correct you. And one person who is just a raging fan of yours? Everyone needs a Royal Table. But that’s all about you. Which is a lesser thought. So…, what about you? Are you a Barnabas, a son of encouragement, in someone’s life? Are you a Titus, giving someone absolute rest in the spirit, in their life…? Christian, not only are we to be this to one, we truly are to be this to many… And we have no right, not even for a minute, to complain that folks aren’t taking the time with you when you aren’t being these things for them…

·    So, Paul has a prominent Jew and a stout Greek with him, and here he comes back to Jerusalem!

Galatians Chapter 2 Verse 2

·    This by revelation bit doesn’t mean Paul is having visions and dreaming dreams…, this simply means he is going under the guidance and direction of God. That is truly part of the life of a Christian. The physically measurable reality of being a believer. What you do, where you go, what you say, how you react, how you act, all those things and more, you are in sync and synergy with the Holy Spirit.

·    Part, if not all, of our role and job on this planet is to minister the presence and reality of Jesus Christ. You know that right? Salt and light… And on one hand the flesh is so strong (the fear is so great – because somewhere along the way you were hurt so deeply) that folks just live looking so much NOT like Jesus and justify it through the condemnation of others… I’m this way because they did this, said that, on and on…

·    And on the other hand, we have Christians that cannot relate, reach or love the lost or anyone that doesn’t buy-in to their perspectives because they are too blinding…, too salty. Oh, I’m about to ruffle some feathers now… No master chef pours salt on their recipe…, and do you know they actually make lights that are weapons!? The key is always to live by revelation, the guidance and communion with God through the Person of the Holy Spirit. Ministering the presence of Jesus…

·    So, what is the point that Paul is making here in talking about his visit to Jerusalem to the Galatians… Let’s read a few more verses…

Galatians Chapter 2 Verses 3 – 5

·    The point Paul is making here is that Peter and James and the leaders of the church there in Jerusalem (as Paul says “to those who were of reputation”) accepted Titus without the necessity of the law proving his point to the Galatians that salvation and fellowship in the Body of Christ and in the faith is secured by the grace of God…

·    And yet some spied them out… slipped in secretly, with some sort of stealth, looking like brothers, acting like brothers, but when it came time for obedience to the Word of God, they weren’t brothers. And that’s how you know. And that’s hard. The “I love you’s” and the encouragements and the compliments and the smiles and the hugs and the warmth and the affection…, none of that truly communicates partnership. The only thing that is true in identifying family in the Lord is obedience to the Word of God. Which is really just trust and loyalty to Jesus…

·    Paul wouldn’t yield to them at all… And thank goodness that he didn’t. If he had then perhaps Christianity would have simply become a new sect of Judaism. But Paul held to salvation by grace through faith under the guidance and revelation of Jesus Himself and even at times, Jesus only!

Galatians Chapter 2 Verse 6

·    Paul had an open heart to anyone that was with Jesus. And he would protect his heart from anyone who wasn’t. “Makes no difference to me,” sounds harsh but it’s a statement of alignment and priority. His decision and his loyalty are primarily influenced in/by his relationship with Jesus. And played out, that might look harsh to some… And that’s ok…

·    And this statement is one to remember. God shows personal favoritism to no man… Not a person that has ever lived has been more important than any other in the heart of God. This one is not easy to navigate in terms of my own and your own conduct. Because while showing partiality is sin, (several places in the Bible including James 2, Deuteronomy 10, Romans 2, Ephesians 6, and Acts 10), God takes pleasure in those who love Him, which is wonderful and good. So, for me, for you, it’s an issue really of the heart. Some folks we mesh with because they are good to us, but the folks we don’t mesh with, do we degrade their importance to us (which is ok) or to the Lord (which is not ok). Because even those that we don’t get along with are as important as you are to the Lord…

·    It’s the prayer life. That’s the measurement. Will you remember them in your prayers with a heart of love… Even though they are the opposite of your favorite? That’s a good measurement. AND, consistency in your dealings with folks. The moment you treat someone differently than another in an identical situation…, that could be an easy target for the enemy to mess things up! Because you typically are tempted to lie to get out of it if you’re called to the carpet regarding your unfair behavior…

Galatians Chapter 2 Verses 7 – 10

·    I love this! Problem solved in a Godly way! Recognizing that we each have our ministries but they are different. And they don’t have to be the same, look the same or even administrate the same. God has called you to the circumcision? Great! Go for it, Peter! God has called you, Paul, to the gentiles? Great! Go for it! They were dealing with different kinds of people who needed a different style and emphasis, but the same message!

·    “When they saw the gospel for the uncircumcised had been committed to Paul,” Peter, James and John listened for what was the message and the motivation of what Paul and Barnabas were telling them and they perceived/discerned and understood that it was the gospel and grace (or better said, the grace of God through the gospel/testimony of Jesus Christ), hey…! That’s it! We are IN!

·    So, Paul has his calling which he is sure of and Paul has alignment with those really in a position of authority…, anyone else who seems be something, whatever they were it makes no difference. Words of Paul… Pretty awesome!

·    The only thing asked of Paul would be that he remembers the poor throughout his ministry which is a reference actually to the church/believers in Jerusalem. The church in Jerusalem first century although it was gaining steam and growing in number, business was bad. The Jewish/Judaist culture was certainly not embracing those that no longer followed the law of Moses… And so financially there was struggle…

·    There was also a famine at this time. Acts 11:27-30 we read, “And in these days prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Then one of them, named Agabus, stood up and showed by the Spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all the world, which also happened in the days of Claudius Caesar. Then the disciples, each according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea. This they also did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.”

·    Paul’s response was generosity and sharing and even being mindful of the financial needs of Peter, James and John…, all that wasn’t something he had to do… But was something he was eager to do! The appropriate response from someone who realizes they’ve received so much…, an eagerness to give and to share… A ministry of the presence of God on earth!

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