
The Imminent Return, Part 3

May 13, 2007 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's just all remember to continue to pray for the missions team that's getting ready to head out to Africa. It's sooner than when we first believed. Amen? It's just around the corner. All of the preparations that are taking place, a lot of excitement. I was talking to Tony just the other day, and people are really expecting a great time. They just so look forward to our visits there. You've gotten to know many of their faces, and they, yours. It's family. It's an exciting thing.

Isn't it interesting how you can go all of those miles into a new culture, a different culture, and have family there? When we separate, there is a true koinonia, a knitting together. You feel that pull. Looking forward always to coming home, but realizing that God has made us not only one church, one baptism, one spirit, but a true family. That's exciting.

Let's turn to the epistle of Peter. We want to continue taking a few moments. Like we've said before, we're not doing an exhaustive study on eschatology. The study of eschatology will exhaust you. Many volumes have been written, and nobody has a clue. If somebody could figure it out, if somebody really knew all of the answers, then the Lord's coming would not be as a thief in the night. No man knows the day or the hour. So, we are aware of the seasons. We have talked about, historically, there have been the seasons. History, we all know, cycles. There have been many seasons, as the Lord has prepared over the years, that He could have possibly come; but He chose not to. The good news is this: it's sooner than when we first believed.

One of the great signs of the Lord's coming is that nobody is talking about it. Turn on the radio; turn on the television; do a survey of most of the churches in our nation, and you won't hear much talk at all about the coming of the Lord. People are fairly content here. This isn't our home. Amen? Can you say "praise God" for that? We're just pilgrims, the Scripture says, sojourners. We are just traveling through. We're laying up treasures, the Bible says, that are in heaven. Many people are building little kingdoms on the earth. We're more worried about what we can leave in an estate to our children than we are what we are laying up eternally in the heavens--souls being reached, the name of Jesus being exalted in a godless generation. So it is time, periodically, to stir our hearts and remember who we are. We belong to a kingdom and a city not made with hands; it is invisible to the natural eye...