
The Imminent Return, Part 1

May 6, 2007 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen! Hallelujah! Amen! That's our prayer. Thy kingdom come. Amen! We're living in that kingdom and the kingdom is coming in all of its fullness and the revelation of it. It's already here, but it's invisible. It's a kingdom that resides in the spirit realm. It's within us and we're the representatives of it. It's a day that's coming that we're all looking very forward to, when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus! Amen?

We're going to talk a little bit about the coming of the Lord. I told you we were going to look at that subject. The teaching of eschatology is a huge subject. We're not going to be teaching on eschatology. Eschatology deals with a lot more than just the blessed hope that we have, as believers, of the imminent return of the Lord and the catching away of His bride. Isn't that exciting? We're going to be caught away one of these days. Behold, the bridegroom cometh and that trumpet is going to sound. The dead are going to be raised and we're going to be changed in a moment. We're going to be caught up with Him. The part that I like about all of that is "...and so shall we ever be with the Lord." Amen? Nobody is going to take us from Him.

That constant presence of God, that ability to enjoy that presence and partake of it, is so precious. My brother was just out here visiting and they were talking about some friends of theirs. They're in retirement, and so many of the wives can't wait for their husbands to leave the house. We hear stories about that. I know it's not the case here among ourselves, and many of our marriages, but many marriages are like that. "I just can't wait for him to leave the house," because they want to do their thing. When you love your spouse, you want to be with them always, don't you?...