
Not Ashamed at His Coming, Part 6

February 24, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen. Hallelujah! Let's turn to 1 John. As you're turning over there, we're so thankful for God's work among us, for godly young men and young women; amen? That are living their lives according to the Word of God. You just don't see a lot of that today. So don't take it for granted. Pray for these young people that their lives and their marriages would really be an example and honor God in this day.

The fourth chapter of 1 John, we've been dealing with a number of issues. I think we might begin to slip over, this morning, into the nine characteristics that really reveal that eternal life is abiding in us. John makes that clear here in his epistle. We've been spending a lot of time just refreshing our hearts and our minds on the spirit that John was battling in this age and that it wasn't a first century problem. It's a twenty-first century problem, isn't it? Gnosticism is alive and well! We talked about the aspect of what Gnosticism is. It comes from the root word in the Greek gnosis which means "to know." These were a people that believed that their knowledge of God was superior, not only to the original foundational apostles. That's a problem, isn't it? Whenever we believe that we're getting greater revelation than the foundational apostles, we're in trouble. Whenever they begin to answer to us, we're in trouble. Whenever we doubt what God had revealed to these holy men, we're in trouble; amen? We're already deceived.

So, we're people that live our lives in subordination to the position that these twelve men had, thirteen with Paul, to these writers of the epistles. "Holy men of God [spoke] as they were moved by the Holy [Spirit]; amen? (2 Peter 1:21). This Word is profitable to us in all things, and one of the things that we've been sharing it's profitable for is doctrine. In this generation, men are making doctrine secondary to experience just like they were here, as John was addressing and condemning. We're living in a day when we're almost like the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church, and many of you, for decades, have looked at Catholicism. You have seen and known one of the primary errors, which is that they raise tradition and make it equal with the Word of God...