
Not Ashamed at His Coming, Part 1

February 6, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's spend a bit of time in this epistle, again, to identify the hour that we're in and stir our hearts up in excitement for the soon coming of the Lord, amen? Hopefully, you are excited about it. Hopefully, every day it's a priority in your life because He is going to appear to those who are looking for Him, amen? I hope it was on your heart today, sometime during the day, of just, "Come quickly, Lord!" In the time that we get quiet before the Lord and we start to turn to His Word, it's, "Just come quickly, Lord Jesus." He is going to appear to those who are looking for Him and to those who love His appearing, amen?

It should be one of the first things that occupies our thoughts in the morning. When you love somebody, when you love something-some people really have a strong affinity for their jobs. I don't understand that, in the natural, but they do. It's something that they get their worth out of, that they enjoy, and so they're looking forward to that thing in the morning. Some of us get up looking forward to just seeing our wife. Okay. I was just waiting, giving you a chance, guys. A bunch of you blew it! But anyways that expectation, that thing that we love, that affection that we have and just loving His appearing. When we wake up, just to be obsessed with, "This could be the day that the Lord comes! I can see Him face to face today." If we really believed it, we would have that kind of an obsession, wouldn't we? Just ask Father to stir your hearts in this hour, this expectation of the coming of the Lord. He is going to appear to those who love His appearing. That day is coming when we will see Him as He is and finally we'll be like Him, amen? Hallelujah! Everything that we do is for that pursuit of Christlikeness. We make great strides and then we kind of go backwards sometimes. Anybody know what I'm talking about? Two steps forward, one step back. Some of us are: one step forward, two steps back. That's not good. We can't keep that up too long. But we're going to see Him and we're going to be like Him and we'll be with Him and so shall we ever be with the Lord, amen? Praise God! This isn't home, amen? This isn't home...