
Not Ashamed at His Coming, Part 4

February 17, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). "I love you," He said, "if you keep My commandments" (John 15:14). So there's this also that continues to manifest itself in this epistle that the Lord just continually says, "If you love Me, you'll walk in obedience. You'll be a doer of My word and not a hearer only" as James makes very clear to us.

So as we continue through the gospel, there are very practical parts of it. He said if we love one another, then we don't close up our bowels of compassion. If we see a brother or sister in need, and we have the wherewithal to meet that need, then we do so without any question. It's how they were able to live practically in the book of Acts in one accord: "No man said that anything he possessed was his own." Of course, that is the heart of every one of us here. None of us are controlling of anything we have. We are all ready to liquidate anything on behalf of our brothers, amen? That's the love of God. To think we love God and love one another and not have that heart attitude, we're not being truthful with ourselves. We have a little bit to work on, don't we?

When we love our natural family better than we love the body of Christ and make choices to neglect, despise, to minimalize the spiritual family in pursuit of appeasing the natural family, we really don't know Him. Because He makes it very clear, "You're not worthy of Me if you don't love Me, My body, more than mothers and fathers and houses and lands." That's just practical 101 Christianity. Yet it seems to stumble so many people, and 1 John speaks towards that. He said it's because you really don't know God. You've fallen into religion. You've embraced a form of Christianity, a form of godliness. But you really don't understand the power to transform. There is the formalism of religion and then there is the transformation of new birth: "Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17). John is speaking towards all of those aspects of genuine Christianity...