
The Goodness of Grace, Part 7

January 10, 1993 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let’s turn to the book of Galatians. We want to pick up where we left off this morning. See if we can wind up the main emphasis that we’ve been putting on this particular study of grace and works. Aren’t you glad grace works? Let’s start in the third chapter of Galatians again. We’ll read just a few verses and see what we can do to cut back, take a couple of minutes and review. Look at Chapter 2 verse 16. “Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ…” Amen? Now, notice that justification isn’t faith in Jesus; it’s the faith of Jesus. Okay? Later, the grace of God will give us the capacity to believe in Jesus, but it’s not our believing in Jesus that justifies us. It was Jesus’ faith, His work, and His obedience that brought about the death of sin, the death of the power of sin over the flesh, as we saw this morning in Romans. Because Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh for sin. Amen? We saw that in Romans this morning. He came in the likeness of flesh; He came in flesh. He came for sin. His mission was to come and to take sin upon Himself. So, in the likeness of flesh, He came for sin, and in His death and in His life of righteousness, He abolished the power of sin over the flesh, over humanity. Thank God for it! You see, that’s what redemption is all about.

So it tells us here that we, no man, is justified by the works of the law, but we are justified by the faith; or we can say it another way, the works of Jesus. Okay? By the faith of Jesus. As He had faith in the Father, as He committed Himself into the Father’s hands. “Into Your hand, I commit My spirit.” As He righteously assumed upon Himself, the just, for the unjust. He who knew no sin became sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ. See, that took faith in the Father...