
The Goodness of Grace, Part 1

December 27, 1992 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let’s turn to the Gospel of John. We just want to start this subject, and all we’re going to do this morning is introduce it. That’s all my brain has the capacity to do! We had a very long day yesterday and enjoyed getting to spend most of the time just reading and fellowshipping with the Lord, so we had a good flight home. I want to share some of these principles that I think are very important for us. I’ve been telling you for weeks that we were going to start a study on the grace of God. How many of you are thankful for God’s grace this morning? If it weren’t for grace, we wouldn’t be here, so we thank God that He is a merciful God. God is tender and merciful, and His mercies endure forever. God is a God of grace; He is gracious.

Here in our fellowship, I would say that if we leaned in one direction, we would probably have a tendency to lean toward legalism rather than license. Would you say “Amen” to that? Of course, we know that it’s very important for us to walk in balance in the Word of God, and yet, not everybody does. Not everybody even realizes there is a balance, because so many have a tendency to emphasize and to move in excess in the doctrines that are appealing to them and in that aspect of the Word of God that is necessary for them to walk in obedience. I think we are a fairly balanced group of people, but if we do get out of balance, we would have a tendency as a people to lean more toward legalism. So, when we talk about grace, we need to realize that in no way are we implying license. Grace is not a license to sin or a life that is without regulation...