
The Goodness of Grace, Part 4

January 3, 1993 • Pastor Star R. Scott

In the fifth chapter of Romans, we want to pick up and take a few verses out of there, and then go into a couple of topics that this grace extends itself through in our lives and how it expresses itself, and begin to take some of the principles and see if we can make them practical in our daily lives. We’ve been talking a lot about principle, we’ve been looking at different spiritual concepts, and many times in our thoughts they become abstract and we want to try to put these into some practical use. As we look at the fifth chapter—it’s interesting how he starts this fifth chapter off. He says, “Therefore…” And when you see the word “therefore,” you always stop to see what it’s there for, right? There’s a conclusion coming up here. He’s made some points and now he’s going to come and he says, “Here’s the conclusion, here’s what I want you to understand from what I’ve said.”

Okay? So he makes this statement. He says, “Therefore being justified [how?] by faith,[pronounced righteous by faith—here’s the good news] we have [what?] peace with God…” How many of you are glad you’re at peace with Almighty God this evening? Amen? He said we have peace with God. We’ve been justified (proclaimed righteous) by God and therefore our spirits should be at peace. So if you’ve experienced true grace, if you’ve already been a recipient of the grace of God, then we know that we’re saved by the peace that we have with God. We’re at peace with God. “There is no fear,” John says, “in love.” There’s no fear of judgment in love. Once I understand that while I was a sinner, not on my merit, God loved me, Jesus died for me, I comprehend the love of God, I’m never afraid of judgment, I’m not afraid of God...