
Not Ashamed at His Coming, Part 9

March 3, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Let's turn to 1 John and continue along looking at these nine signposts that indicate whether we have eternal life abiding in us.

We shared this morning the fact that Number 1, A Belief in His Name, faith, is what we're talking about, an absolute trust in the name of Jesus. Salvation is what "Yeshua" means. We've talked about that belief being a turning of our lives over in acknowledgment to His lordship; to believe in the name of Jesus is to subordinate ourselves to where we live lives that, without Him, we can do nothing. We talked about Number 2, The Keeping of His Commandments, and about walking as He walked.

Number 3, The Hatred of this World System. We talked this morning a little bit about the need for Number 4, Habitual Righteousness, in our lives, not a doctrine of righteousness, but a lifestyle of righteousness. Not just morality, but availability to God. So that righteous life being a life that is acceptable to God. The life that's acceptable to God is a life that's subordinate, abiding in Him as we saw in John 15, the vine and the branches. Understanding how we relate to Him, His Word abiding in us and our lives abiding in Him.

Tonight, we want to talk about Number 5 being, and it's something we talked about and talked about through the whole teaching, but Number 5 is The Love of the Brethren. Let me give you the others just in case, I'm going to be gone for a couple of services; and I would like to, at least, get these to us, not knowing whether we'll come back and spend a lot of time on them or not...