
Not Ashamed at His Coming, Part 8

March 3, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to John, Chapter 15. We are going to see what we can do about moving along in these nine signposts of having the assurance of eternal life in us that we find in the Epistle of John. It's the Gospel of John, Chapter 15, and then, of course, the First Epistle of John, Chapter 4. We left off Wednesday or whenever it was; it was last Sunday night. We left off as we were talking about our relationship with the world. James makes it very clear that to be friend with the world is to be the enemy of God. That rolls off our lips so easily, doesn't it? What about the reality of that? What does it mean to befriend the world? How much of an influence does the world have on us in our daily lives? It is probably more than we would like to admit.

Jesus said, "All that's in the world is the lust of flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life." That's all that's in the world. It is to be involved in the world's system, and we have been placed there by our own lusts. What is the meaning of "lust?" "Lust" is defined as "an insatiable desire" as it pertains to the worldliness that we were talking about. It is "an insatiable desire for self-gratification." The greatest gratification to self is self-rule. It's not many of these external things. It's not fame. It's not fortune. It's not the feeding of the flesh through lasciviousness. It's self-rule. The deception is that there is such a thing as self-rule. The reality is that there's a god of this system called "the world," and the god of the world is… Who is it? It's Satan. Of course, the lie that has been told to man since he was in the garden is this: you can be your own man, you can set your own course, and you can make your own discernment as to what is good and evil.

It wasn't verbalized the same way to Eve as it was to Jesus. The temptation for Jesus was this: "If You'll bow down, I'll give You all of these. They're mine to give." Think about that for a moment. Satan is the lord of all that this world has to offer. "It's mine to give." How many of us desire the fruit of Satan's kingdom? Most of us would say, "Well, I don't desire Satan's kingdom. I only want to receive the blessings of the Lord."...