
The Godly Seed, Part 2

August 13, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's go ahead and pick up where we left off this morning, talking about the great privilege that we have of representing the faithfulness of God before this next generation. That's basically what we're doing as parents and elders who are teaching the younger among us. We're just representing the faithfulness of God. We're saying, "Look, we've been headed this way for a long time. You're going to hit some bumps, and there are going to be trials, but God is faithful. You can trust Him, praise God! What you've committed to Him, He's going to keep against that day." I don't think there is any greater lesson or instruction that we can give our children and the young people among us than the fact that God is faithful. If we will be faithful and obedient, He is the faithful God to those who love Him and keep His commandments. So, we just instruct them by example and by our testimonies of all of those good things.

As you look at the Scriptures, you see these promises of God over and over throughout the Word. As I was looking at some of these verses and refreshing my mind, it was just such a blessing! I never get tired of reading those great promises out of Deuteronomy 4 and 6, where God is speaking to generations (through the current generation's faithfulness) by setting in place a people that know Him and are able then to represent Him further into that next generation.

Psalm 78 speaks toward that; let's turn over there for just a second. Beginning at verse 3, there's a really beautiful passage of Scripture that speaks along these lines. It is in the midst of judgment, in the midst of the wrath of God being represented before the disobedient. And in the midst of all of this, it talks about our responsibility of protecting the glory of God and also representing the awesomeness and the fearfulness of this God that we serve, so that there's not a commonness in our midst...