
The Godly Seed, Part 3

August 16, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen. Let's see if we can wind [this] up. We've been a good time now on just the family and God's purpose for building His kingdom-that it's not good for man to be alone, and He gave him the helpmeet, as we've spent a lot of time talking about, and told them to be fruitful and multiply, to replenish the earth.

As we were talking a little bit on Sunday we saw, then, that under the curse, of course, in God's great plan, we didn't see children born into innocence that Adam and Eve had, but born into sin, and because of that we see the hatred and jealousy and strife and all that is in man. We see Cain killing his brother, the Scripture says, and why? Because his brother was accepted; his sacrifices were accepted. Now, what made them acceptable was his obedience. He was following God's plan. Cain thought he had a better way and was going to offer up something that was of his own labor, of his own efforts, the fruit of the field, and we know that without the shedding of blood there isn't any acceptance in the presence of God.

So because of that the judgment came down, the hatred, the jealousies, and from that time on we've seen the heartbreak of parents in dealing with their children and the responsibilities that have been given to us, then, to train them up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. Your kids aren't going to get it right in the natural. We see that there are certain [ones that are] more moral than others in our midst and in the natural, but man's righteousness is as-say it-filthy rags [Isaiah 64:6]. So we're not talking about raising moral children; we're talking about raising godly children. Amen? I think some of us miss that. You know, some of us are very content if our children are moral, disciplined, diligent. They need to be godly. So we want to look at what it is that makes us a godly household, because as we saw in the study, we're to be raising up that godly seed. That's what it's all about...