
Divine Order, Divine Life, Part 1

November 19, 1980 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Turn to the book of Romans, Chapter 13. We thank God for your prayer for the ministry of the Word going forth in these other meetings; we never know what God's doing in the lives of the people there. I just want you to know-you can ask Jay about it-there's not a place we go that we don't brag on you, your hunger for the Word, your commitment, and your knowledge of God's Word; and it's a privilege to be part of this fellowship; praise God. I'll tell you what; you go somewhere else, and you'll be glad to get home; amen. Every time I go out, I'm glad to get home.

Romans, Chapter 13: we want to begin reading. We want to start a new series on Wednesday nights. I have no idea, but this could be a long one; it's something the Lord has been directing us into for quite a few months now, and we've finally been released to go into it. It's going to be an exciting study. It's going to be something which will affect the fellowship; it's going to affect the ministry here, through Calvary Temple School and the School of the Prophets; it will affect your jobs, and it will very, very greatly affect your home. We're going to be dealing with a subject called Divine Order, Divine Life. The title will tell you a little bit about what it's going to deal with. We will be dealing with spiritual authority. We're going to take a look at the fact that God is the ordainer of spiritual authority. It's the plan of God from eternity; in fact, it's something that's practiced in the Godhead. It operates perfectly when it operates in love. It operates perfectly, to the full extent, when it is operated in obedience, and not from emotion, not from intellect, not from will, but in complete submission and reliance on the integrity of God's Word...