
Not Ashamed at His Coming, Part 7

February 24, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Let's turn back to John's first epistle and just continue along in 1 John, looking at these nine aspects that give us the assurance of eternal life abiding in us.

As we've been really taking a little bit of time in this epistle, I'm sure it's been a blessing to you as you've continued to read it over and over. Thank God for that assurance of eternal life. Amen? The admonition is to keep His commandments and that new commandment that He's given us'that we ought to love as we've been loved, that the acknowledging of His abiding Spirit in us is that we have a love one for another.

We'll be talking about some of the practical aspects of that. We've done it good, as a body, over the years. We've even had to take time over the years to reemphasize the first and great commandment, which is to love God with all of our hearts, and the second that's like unto it, to love our brothers and sisters as we love ourselves. We were admonished over the years to make sure that the focal point is the Lord and His glory, amen?, and that our relationships are to be built in the kingdom of God, within the kingdom of God, and for the glory of God...