Someone to Watch Over Me
February 16, 2020 • Scott Richards • Psalm 23:1, 1 Corinthians 1:26–31, 2 Corinthians 1:3–7, John 10:11–15
David was an excellent example of someone who understood that the Lord was his shepherd. As a shepherd himself, he understood that apart from God he was helpless to predators. Because of the times of difficulty God saw him through, it enabled him to be a meaningful source of comfort to those who have endured the same things. And as a result of seeing where his own faithfulness fell short, we all benefit from remembering that no one less than the Lord can truly Shepherd us.
1. The past was preparation for today, and today is preparation for tomorrow.
2. You will never receive until you learn how to give.
3. Jesus is the only Shepherd that can truly be called Good.
Key Topics: Comfort, Faith, Suffering