Survival In the Shadow

Crisis Care for Struggling Sheep Part 5 - Psalm 23:4

March 15, 2020 • Scott Richards • Psalm 23:4, Job 2:9–10, Deuteronomy 31:6, John 16:33

David continues to illustrate our relationship with God through that of a sheep's relationship with a shepherd. In his acknowledgment of the fact that there are times between winter and summer that require difficult and dangerous journeys to preserve the ultimate well-being of the sheep, he also acknowledges the fact God doesn't promise us freedom from what this world tends to throw at us. The only hope we have and need in the process is to remember He is with us every step of the way and hasn't led us astray.

1. Following Jesus isn't an easy journey, but He is a worthwhile destination.

2. Ministry is the overflow of what God is already doing in your heart.

3. Faith is trust based on the reasons God has given us before to be considered worth of it.