
Week Eight: Jesus is the True Vine

John 15:5

August 25, 2019 • Jon Thompson

Welcome to week eight in our series of the “I am” statements of Jesus. This week, Pastor Jon is wrapping up our series discussing Jesus’ statement “I am the true vine”.

Jesus used the reference of a vine to not only reaffirm that He is God, but also that He is the better Israel. He is the one each person must connect to, to be part of God’s people. Just like how a gardener would tend to the vines growing in their vineyard, he lifts us up and cleans/prunes us.

With our society facing an increasing epidemic of loneliness and disconnect this verse gives us so much hope about what Jesus is pursuing. It’s all about relationship as we are Jesus’ limbs, made to bear His fruit and share in His life. Jesus as the wine is the antidote to loneliness, the same yesterday, today and forever.

Series: Jesus is 
Series Description: 
This summer we are going to walk through 9 amazing “I am” statements and visuals given by Jesus. Each one helps us understand the fullness of what Jesus claimed about Himself and prompts us to answer, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”

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