
Fully Devoted: Discipleship at Sanctus Church

October 4, 2020 • Jon Thompson

What does Sanctus Church believe about discipleship? What does it look like to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus in the middle of a pandemic? In the midst of disruptions, there are always opportunities for growth and impact.

Fully Devoted 2023

September 17, 2023 • Jon Thompson

Have you ever had an experience where you know something is there but you can't find it? Pastor Jon explores the guaranteed places of encounter with Jesus that we can miss because we're not looking properly, we're distracted, or we're looking for the wrong thing entirely. 

Fully Devoted - Baptism

April 16, 2023 • Jon Thompson

Ever wondered what exactly is baptism? Are there rules around it? Does it actually DO anything? On an exciting Baptism Sunday here at Sanctus, Pastor Jon reminds us what baptism is and isn't, and why we do it. 

Rebuilding the House - Week 2 - The Imperative of Joy

October 23, 2022 • Jon Thompson • Philippians

Sometimes it can feel like every day is a battle. And when we feel defeated, we turn to quick fixes and distractions to escape. But they never work for long. Instead, as Pastor Jon Thompson reminds us, Jesus has offered us a persistent joy that even on our darkest most difficult days offers us rejoicing freedom.