
The Writing on the Wall

Daniel 5

November 25, 2018 • Jon Thompson

We are truly living between two kings and the church is Daniel. Our families, friends, neighbours, our nation has not fully yet decided which we they will go, but we are to be Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar and Belsharazzar. We are not at the time of final judgement, the writing is not not yet on the wall, we do not yet know if the days are numbered. And so we personally and we as a church get to be Daniel to all our neighbours, friends, family, neighbourhoods, to Durham, to the GTA and Canada.

Free though locked in chains, wise in the age of folly, unflinching in the face of a lion, influencer of kings and kingdoms, steadfast through fiery trials, empowered by the spirit of God. Daniel - Thriving in Exile.

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