
Week Nine: Abide In The Gospel

Galatians 5:1-15

November 24, 2019 • Ben Hilson

Welcome to Week Nine in our series out of the book of Galatians.

Paul opens Chapter 5 by driving home the central thesis of his letter to the Galatians: Freedom is at the core of the Gospel.

We tend to insert ourselves into the grace equation. Our western culture emphasizes personal performance and achievement, so it's natural for us to let this mode of thinking distort the nature of the Gospel. Paul corrects this error by reminding us that neither religion nor irreligion have any power to establish us in relationship with God. Faith in Jesus is the only thing that counts.

Inviting the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts with this truth enable us to love others with the proper motivation. When we internalize the fact that our freedom is not dependent on our works, we free ourselves from fear—and in turn move from self-obsession to selfless loving.

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