
The Power to Persevere

October 11, 2020 • Jon Thompson

As crises mount, one thing becomes clear: we can’t do it alone. Imprisoned and awaiting execution, Paul writes a letter to Timothy about the power of the gospel and the cost of discipleship. If we’re going to live on mission, we need to understand where our power comes from.

The Myth of the Lone Ranger Christian

December 6, 2020 • Angela Mason

God designed us for relationships. It’s why Paul uses his final words to recognize and bless those who walked alongside him throughout his ministry. What is God trying to teach us through these deeply personal and too often skimmed verses? Perhaps even in the face of death, God’s love, experienced through community and the Holy Spirit, is all we need.

Making Peace and Finding Hope

November 29, 2020 • Joel Penney

Imprisoned, deserted, opposed — Paul details the extent of his hardship to Timothy. Yet through his personal remarks, Paul reveals that he's made peace with the past and found joyful anticipation about the future. By following the way of Christ, Paul models how to cultivate an unshakeable sense of peace and joy through the trials we face.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

November 22, 2020 • Jon Thompson

In his final charge to Timothy, Paul reminds us that Jesus' resurrection gave the world hope, unlike anything it had ever seen. When we build our life on this hope, we find peace and power that overrides our present circumstances — even in the face of death.