
The POWER Gifts: Prophecy

Ephesians 4:11; 1 Corinthians 12:7-10, 14:3-4; Romans 12:6; Acts 21:8-11; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

March 17, 2019 • Joel Penney

The gift of prophecy can be defined as the ability to deliver truth in a public context in either a predictive nature or as a situational word from God in order to correct believers by exhorting, edifying or consoling them, or to convince non-believer's of God's truth.

A person operating in this gift is deeply impressed that God has by his Spirit given him or her a message to deliver in the situation. The message may result in further insight into God's word, cause conviction of sin, bring reproof, provide comfort or a new sense of direction to the group.

There are, of course, two audiences: those who have (or may have) this gift, and the rest of us. Like all the Spiritual Gifts, we all need to know how each other's work. But especially this one, because it concerns us all when it's used properly. It's so easy to be skeptical, bitter and dismissive with prophecy, but we can't be!